Chapter 28: A Power Move

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I wake up in a tangle of satin sheets in an pumpkin spice color and then look at the bedroom door where a half naked Jay is stood, his abs and biceps and perfectness on display, while he holds a simply black mug in his hand. "Good morning," he says.

"I'll say," I smile happily and he walks to the bottom of the bed picking fabric up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?"

"Putting on a shirt," he smirks at me.

"No, you're not." I disagree and pull him to me, kissing him hungrily but he pulls away.

"We got to be really careful going forward. Okay?" He warns.

"Oh, yeah." I remember and then kiss him again, flipping us so that I'm straddling him on top. "I'm, like, a hostile witness now? Or what's the deal?"

He kisses me this time and pulls me closer against his warm torso. "I'm just saying, don't tell anyone, all right, until we make the pinch, because if Arthur finds out I'm a cop, then I'm a dead cop."

I kiss his shoulder and then look into his eyes, "Do you have a handle on this?"

"Yes." He promises and I nod. "Tell me what happened." He then says, noticing somethings wrong and I don't know what happens to our happy moment but I burst into tears.


"I texted you a couple times last night." Kelly says as I'm pouring myself a coffee in the common room.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was at... does it matter?" I frown at him. We aren't even together.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," he leans on the countertop, "But I came over, you weren't at your place and, and I don't want to wake up wondering if you wrapped your car around a tree. I'm worried about you."

"No, right, I get it." I nod at him and then walk away with my coffee.

"Arthur's been shaking down businesses all over the city, but they're close to making a, uh..." Dawson trails off forgetting the word.

"Pinch," finishes Herrmann. He, Dawson, Otis and I are stood outside talking about the bar and where we're going to go from here.

"Right," nods Dawson. "Meantime, we just got to keep paying Arthur money, act like we don't know anything."

"For how long?" asks Otis.

"I don't know," she replies. "Until they make the pinch."

"This is coming from who?" Herrmann asks her.

"Antonio. I saw him this morning." she replies.

"I thought you said he and Laura and the kids were at her parents' house in Wisconsin." frowns Herrmann.

"Yeah, we skyped." she replies.

"Okay. So Antonio's got a handle on this, is what you're saying?" He checks and she nods in confirmation.

"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, a tree collapse, 537 Aberdeen Street." The alarm sounds and we all get going to find that a tree has fallen into the front of the house, smashing up the windows and concaving the wooden slats that the buildings made out of.

"Help! Help!" We hear a males voice and we look up to see him waving out of the top, side window. "Up here, guys, up here."

"We got at least one victim on the top floor. The tree has collapsed two of the main beams. We need to limit the amount of impact load." Boden radios.

"Two recon teams, keep 'em small?" asks Casey and Chief nods telling them to go.

"Clarke and Otis, we go up the 35-foot ladder to the attic apartment. Herrmann and Cruz--"

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