Chapter 24: A Problem House

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"I mean, I just said to him that the baby's due at Thanksgiving and that she left on February 9th, so the latest it could possibly be due is the first week of November." Shay explains to Dawson and I but I'm trying to block her out. I don't want to hear it.

He's about to close a deal on a house with Renee. Apparently, it's got the perfect baby room and the two of them are really happy together.

We've barely spoken since that night. That night we both said things we didn't mean. Including him blaming me being upset about the fact that I wanted a baby and now he's having one with someone else.

Every time I see him, every time I walk past him in the fire house I feel like I'm going to explode and soon exactly that is going to happen and I'm not going to be able to prevent myself from screaming my head off in front of everyone.

I've cried way to much over him and now all my upset is replaced with anger.

"Anyway, he got really angry when I implied that the baby wasn't his and--"

"Can we just stop talking about it?" I ask Shay and she looks at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, I, it slipped my mind." she grimaces at herself.


"Hey, we have a 2 1/2 story fully involved." Boden radios from the scene. "If you wanna get a line in that basement, let's get a primary search started immediately. Someone's inside." He points out a zimmer frame parked at the front steps of the house.

"We'll vent the roof and start in the basement," says Casey.

"We've got the main floor." Severide replies and I walk forward to move the ladies zimmer frame out of the way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Boden stops everyone and I halt in front of the house. "Do you smell--"

Suddenly a huge explosion happens and all the glass in the windows smash, bursting flames out onto the sidewalk, where I'm stood.

I scream as the explosion throws me to the ground next to Cruz. Lucky I'm wearing my new turnout hear I guess. I feel strong arms pull me up and I come face to face with Severide. "You goo--"

"I'm fine!" I snap and pull out of his grip, walking back to the ambulance where Dawson is stood. I glance back and see him staring after me for a moment until he's caught back up in his work. I put my hand to my neck and move my head side to side, trying to loosen the tension that's built up there.

"Cruz, Herrmann, Otis, up the aerial to vent. Candidate, we're in the basement." Casey yells.

"Hey, 51, follow us in with the light. Capp, stay with me."

"Herrmann, Otis, a little help?" The other truck present calls and they smash the windows of a car (that's stupidly parked in front of a fire hydrant) and then weave the hose pipe through it.

"That smell's still here," Severide says as they mask up.

"Yeah. Diesel?" asks Casey and everyone nods in agreement.

They run into the burning building and as usual we can only stand and wait for any news.

"Mayday, mayday!" Severide's voice comes through. "I'm trapped in the basement." He says and my heart begins to race. When I found out he cheated on me, my heart broke but I still love him. "The stairs are gone."

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