Chapter 23: Let Her Go

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"We were scheduled to open our bar after next shift," Herrmann stands at the front of the briefing room, speaking to the house. "And in light of what happened, we were gonna push it. But me and Morgan and Dawson and Otis, we talked about it, and instead, we're gonna make it a celebration of Hallie's life. All the proceeds for tonight will be donated in her name to Children's Memorial. Thanks." We takes his seat again.

"Not an easy day," Boden now stands at the front. "Not for any of us. Lieutenant Casey is meeting with detectives from CPD. Arson investigators are at the clinic right now. All we can do for Matt is be there the best we can."

After the meeting everyone else leaves but our Molly's group sits down at a table to work. "Optical shop on the corner is gonna donate a couple pairs of sunglasses to raffle off." Dawson says.

"Great," Herrmann smiles.

"And as soon as Zoya starts, she can help go collect all this stuff." Otis adds.

"Who?" We all ask.

"Uh, my cousin." He tells us. "From Russia? Zoya? We talked about this." He looks at Herrmann.


"At the soft opening?" He mumbles.

"What? When I got, like, six beers in me?" He snaps.

"Hey, you signed off, dude." He replies.

"Do you know anything about this?" Herrmann asks Dawson and I and we shake our heads.

"First I've heard of it," she says.

"Okay, uh, she's here on a six-month work visa. But apparently, the nanny job was killing her. She's nice, she's cute, she's got restaurant experience, and you agreed to it." Otis says, pointing at Herrmann.

"What kind of restaurant?" Chris asks.

"Who cares?" shrugs Dawson. "It's fine. She's in. We got funds to raise."

"You guys are killing me," he points around at all of us.

"Ah, you'll love her." Otis waves him off.

"Battalion 25, Truck 81, Squad 3, and Ambulance 61, responding. Civilian in distress."

We head there and a man leads us to an open drain in the middle of the road saying he heard screams from down there.

"Help!" We hear a woman's scream.

"Get your lights!" Kelly calls to his team and then he, Boden and I climb down the ladder into the sewers following the screams while Squad kit up.

We find the woman in a bay of water with extremely fast moving water.

"I don't think I can hold on much longer!" she calls, as she's holding onto a grate with her hands, while she keep sinking under.

"Hang on. We're gonna get you out." Kelly takes off his radio.

"Get your webbing out. Secure it to this handle. I'll hold the line." Chief says and Kelly does so, before getting in the water.

"Don't let go," Kelly tells the girl.

"Watch that current," Chief warns him as he holds the line and grabs the girl.

"Can't move!" she tells him.

"Talk to me, Kelly." I kneel on the concrete and try to see better but the water is foaming and breaking at the surface because of its shear speed.

"Both her feet are sucked into a drain." He says.

"We got one victim pinned in. I'm gonna need a rescue rope and scuba gear in the west end of the tunnel right now." Chief radios.

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