Chapter 8 - Wildest Dreams Will Do

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"So have you guys like, ordered already?" Ramon asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yup. You guys go ahead." Rosalie said, inching away from Keegan and half sitting on top of Angel.

"Shove off. Go sit on Keegan's lap - I'm straight." Angel remarked, before the table was filled with 'ooohs'.

"We should all play truth or dare." Ishmael suggested after placing all the orders for the guys.

Keegan grabbed a half full water bottle from an empty table and spun it in the middle of the table.

The top of the bottle pointed towards Ishmael and the opposing end was by Selina.

"Ugh this one's gonna be boring." Monika complained.

"Shut up." Ishmael said. "I pick truth."

"Boooriiinggg." Me, Monika, Rosalie and Angel said in unison.

Selina ignored us and carried on.

"Is it true that you have a brick Nokia phone?" She asked.


"True." Abram said whilst snapping photos of someone.

The bottle spun again and pointed at Rosalie with the opposing end by Ramon.

"I pick dare." She smiled.

His face was painted with a smirk.

"Soooo Rosalie." He smiled, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh my God - CAN WE SKIP THIS ONE?" Rosalie complained.

"Nope." We all said in unison.

"I dare you to sit on Keegan's lap for the rest of this meal." He smiled.

We all burst into laughter winking and nudging Rosalie.

"Go on Rosieeee - you know you want to." Angel giggled, pushing her on to him.


"Not your choice." Monika smirked.

"Ugh....." Rosalie muttered as she inched towards Keegan.

"Oh my God hurry it up!" Keegan said, as he literally lifted up Rosalie and put her on his lap. "Why are you so damn heavy?"


"Hoot hoot."

"Rosalie's getting laiiiiiddd!!!"

We all burst out laughing and high fived Monika for that one.

"Fuck. You." Rosalie said.

We all couldn't stop giggling and awing at Rosalie and Keegan, and we strategically hid our phones when taking photos of the two.

"Okay okay next!!" Monika said, hiding her laughter at Keegan's expressions at Rosalie.

The bottle pointed towards Mitchell and opposed to Rosalie and Keegan.

"Hmm truth or dare?" Rosalie asked him.

"Truth." He muttered, as if he didn't even want to be here.

Before Rosalie could open her mouth Keegan spoke out.

"Where were you all last week in school?" He asked.

The whole table fell silent.

"I was ill, I told you." Mitchell muttered, avoiding eye contact with all of us.

"Naah, I don't believe that. Me and Abram saw you around a couple of times so you gotta be honest. Where were you?" Keegan asked.

Mitchell looked up and locked eyes with me for a second.

His face seemed pale and sickly, as if he truly was disgusted with himself for taking the blame for me.

"I er..." He stuttered, feeling the heat of the stares of everyone burning right through him.

Without a second thought, I lifted my hand from my lap and intertwined it with his under the table, and he replied with the same motion.

"I was in isolation." He said confidently, as Ramon, Keegan, Abram and Ishmael looked at him in confusion.

"Bro, and you didn't tell us?" Ishmael asked.

"What for??" Abram asked.

"Hey, I answered the question now move on." He said.

"Nah nah, this is different now. What were you in isolation for?" Keegan asked.

"Did you get into a fight?" Ramon asked.

"No!" Mitchell replied.

I felt the tension in his hand's grip.

"Then what?" Keegan questioned.

"I don't have time for this." Mitchell said. "I'm getting some air."

He rose to get up and leave, but Keegan instantly got up, knocking Rosalie from his lap.

"You are not going anywhere till we get answers." Keegan stated, gripping his hand on Mitchell's arm.

He shook it off instantly, and looked at me sadly before loosening his hand from mine and walking out.

"What is wrong with you!!?" I shouted at the guys. "I'm not even gonna....ugh - I'm going." 

And so I stormed out the cafe.


"MITCHELL!?" I screamed. "MITCHELL!?" 

I wandered about the front of the cafe.

"Sheesh, you yell my name anymore and it's gonna end up being a permanent part of your vocabulary."

I turned to see Mitchell sitting on the ground with his knees up outside of the cafe.

"You keep running off and I'm going to lose my voice looking for you." I said, sitting down next to him.

"Maybe it's because I don't wanna be found." He muttered, looking forward at the moving cars.

"Why are you even friends with Keegan? Like yeah they're all idiots but there's something else with him." I said.

"He's a dick yeah I know - but he was my first friend through primary school - and don't get me wrong there's somewhat normal sides to him, but in general, yeah he's a bitch." Mitchell said. 

"I can tell." I said. "So are you gonna come back inside or not?" 

"Depends." He slightly smiled before locking eyes with me. "Are you?"

"I asked first." I smiled back.

"In that case." He stood up and lent out a hand to me. 

I took it and stood up, dusting the back of my shirt off.

"How about we get out of this town?" He asked. "Drive out of the city, away from the crowd?" 

"Did you seriously just quote Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift to me?" I asked, holding back my laughter.

"Do I need to quote Love Story aswell to get you to come with?" He asked.

"Maybe another time. I think Wildest Dreams will do for now."

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