Chapter 36 - Frozen With Fear

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"What the fuck are you doing!?" Monika quickly responded, shuffling and sitting up, inching away from me. "Where the fuck am I!?!"

"I'll answer those later, first of all, what's the last thing you remember?" I asked her, sitting myself on the floor.

"I ain't saying shit to you." She spat at me, as if she was spewing venom. "Answer my questions first."

I laughed maniacally for a moment before striking her across her face.

Monika's POV:

My cheek throbbed with pain, I held my hand against it as if to get an imprint of the redness it had left.

What the hell was going on!!? She's best friend. 

"You ready to talk now?" She glared at me, a coldness in her eyes.

I felt as if I was staring into two brown seas of nothingness.

"I..I was walking." I muttered, beginning to speak, but avoiding eye contact with her. I didn't want to look at her. "I got to my doorstep, before I got out my key, next thing I knew, I felt a killer pain on the back of my head and I'm guessing I blacked out. Next thing I know is this."

"Oh okay." Selina replied, standing up and beginning to walk off.

"Hey where the fuck are you going!?" I questioned her, standing up aswell.

"Oh shit yeah." She responded, before she harshly swung something at my shin, causing my leg to buckle and my entire body to fall to the floor. "Can't leave you unattended when you're free to walk around like this."

"Why are you doing this Selina?" I asked her in a low tone, refraining from tears slipping out my eyes. 

"Payback." She replied sternly, not even looking at me, dropping the weapon she'd hit me with a moment ago.

"For what!?" I asked. "Whatever the problem is, we can talk it out okay? It doesn't have to be this freaking dramatised."

"Doesn't it?" She said, snapping her back towards me, and inching towards me, yanking my arm and standing up.

She was holding my whole body weight up from my wrist, I was half limping and leaning onto her shoulder. She dragged me across the room, which I found to be an attic, and held me centimetres away from the edge of the top of the staircase. I looked back, frightened, realising the height of the drop. But I remained silent, I was frozen with fear at what my best friend had become.

"What does it feel like Monika? Huh?" I asked. "To have me holding your entire life in my hand?"

I stuttered, trying to forcefully push out my words,

"W-wh...what happened to you?"

"ME?" She shrieked, shaking my wrist as I neared the edge of the staircase even more. "What happened with Amira - WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!?" She shrieked.

"Mit-Mitchell's sist-" I stuttered.

"Threw herself down 3 flights of stairs and killed herself, didn't she?" Selina sadistically smiled at me, but there was rage and fury in her eyes.

" gave he-"

"KEEGAN DID NOTHING!!!" I shouted, shaking her wrist violently as I cut her off from speaking. "You're part of why this all happened, you're the reason why everything's like this now, YOU'RE ALL GOING TO PAY TH-"

"SELINA." A voice sternly shouted from right behind me.

I didn't even hear anyone come up the stairs, let alone feel the presence of someone behind me.

"Let her go Selina." The voice continued, still stern.

Selina frowned violently, switching her gaze from over my shoulder and into my eyes.

"I said let her go!" The voice now shouted.

Selina instantly loosened the grip on my wrist, as I collapsed and fell back into someone's arms. I turned my face and instantly saw it to be Wayne.


Of all people?!

He wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder, almost aiding me to walk before placing me back on the ground.

"What got in your head?" He asked Selina, still looking down at me.

"Everything." She muttered from aback. "I can't deal with this anymore Wayne."

At the touch of her hand on his shoulder, he turned around,

"Screw the plan." She said, tears coming out of her eyes. "I can't do this for a week, let alone the month."

"What do you want?" He asked her, holding her hand in his.

"I want it done. Today." She replied.

"All of it?" He asked, the shock evident in his voice.

"All of it." She replied, nodding her head vigorously. "Everyone...everything."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked her.

Without hesitation, she walked to the staircase, before ordering,

"Round up the other bitches and fill in Keegan. It's all going down today."

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