Chapter 37 - A Thousand Tears

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Rosalie's POV:

I finally managed to open my eyes, my first thought being,


I shouted loudly, and after 0.4 seconds of hearing no response, I yelled again,


"And Selina asks why I gave you the stronger sedative." A voice came from a figure moving out of the shadows. "I despised you less when you were unconscious and uh, oh yeah - SILENT."

"Keegan?!" I shrieked, before pausing. "Wait...Selina?"

"Oh she's the mastermind behind this all," He began, walking up to me, and leaning his hands on the armrests of the chair I was restrained to. "Not who she thought you was now is she?"

His breath felt as cold as ice on my face.

"I see you're still as whipped as ever about her." I spat in his face. "So who's chamcha *spoon* are you today? Hers or Wayne's? Or Toby's?"

I saw the frustration grow in his face before he answered,

"Well considering we're a couple why wouldn't I be whipped about her?" 





The car crash.

The coma.

The shadiness. 

The secrets.

It all came together.

She was behind...everything.

"Speechless are we for once?" Keegan smirked at me.

"I'm just thinking about how many shits I give." I responded. "And how I'm going to permanently paralyse you from the balls down."

"Good luck with that." Keegan said, as he wearily took a step back.


"So I see it's Selina who has the balls in this relationship." I shrugged my shoulders. "Good for her. Frankly, shit taste though. She could've done so much better with that brain of hers."

"Least I'm in a relationship." Keegan rolled his eyes at me, sitting on a box opposite me.

"I don't need another person for self-validation, and nor do I have the desire to constantly babysit another human being." I honestly shot back, before Keegan's phone pinged.

His eyes traced along the screen, I figured he was reading a pretty long winded text.

"I need to go." He said sternly. "Don't cause any fuck-ups when I'm gone."

"Oh I get it." I smiled. "Nanny's calling."


The moment after he left, I slumped in the chair, looking down at my tied wrists and ankles in the dim light.

For a basement this large, he could've afforded some proper bloody lighting.

But then I stopped examining the area, as the realisation finally began to sink in.

Selina had played us all. It was her plan all along. Lord knows how long she's been with Keegan for, but it sure makes up for her absences, her 'tuition' and those odd texts she seemed to disappear at the moment she read them. The reasons why? Lord also knows, and frankly, no-one else does except her. For some reason, I have this feeling that even Keegan doesn't know all of what's going on in her head.

So Mitchell's in a coma. She obviously had something to do with that. But God, the nerve of her to act all scared with us in the lounge when she knew everything that had happened to Mitchell and Aria in their car crash. And now they've taken me. I presume I was the first, and that I certainly wasn't the last. Who knows who else they have. Angel? Monika? Aria? Even Ishmael, Abram or Ramon? 

My head was spinning as to why though.

What could've happened that made Keegan and Selina to-






Angel's POV:

I entered the double doors of the hospital alongside Ramon to meet with Aria and Ishmael in Mitchell's ward. Monika was meant to come to, but she wasn't answering her phone at all - my guess was that she was either busy or sleeping.

Ramon and I walked to the doorway of Mitchell's ward.

Aria sat bedside, holding his hand and talking to him, whilst Ishmael sat further behind, just watching Aria and Mitchell as if they were a perfectly painted picture. Her glance caught mine and she spoke,

"Hey," She began, before looking past me and Ramon. "No Monika?"

"Wasn't answering her phone." Ramon replied, as he walked in and I followed.

"Have the doctors said anything?" I asked, sitting on one of the other two seats across the room.

"Same old," Ishmael responded. "He's doing good. But like they said, it's just a matter of waiting now."

"I'm sick of waiting." Aria blurted out. "And I'm pretty sure he is too."

Before I could reply, a nurse came to the doorway.

"Are you all friends of Mitchell Riley?" She asked.

We all nodded in unison.

She smiled before speaking again,

"We're going to need to talk to the four of you." She replied. "Outside would be better please."

We got up, glancing at each other wondering: good news or bad news?

She led us down the corridor, past the sickly white walls and the trolleys of medicines and food for the nearing dinner hour. Eventually, she sped up, turning a corner as we murmured amongst ourselves, also speeding up to lose track of her.

We wound up in an extremely dim lit room, fairly large though, a hospital bed lonely in the corner with a dripping saline bag beside it, the sheets ruffled over the top.

"Nurse..?" I called out, walking into the room.

"...Angel." Ramon muttered, pulling my sleeve and pointing at the hospital bed. "Do you see that sheet moving?"

Ishmael walked forward, squinting his eyes at it.

"It's probably a sleeping patient." He quickly said, stepping back. "We probably took a wrong tur-"

He cut himself off, as we noticed the now evident figure squirm and struggle under the sheet, as if they were trying to tear themselves out the sheet.

Without hesitation, Aria walked up the bed and pulled the sheet off, before freezing in place.

"MONIKA?" She shrieked, now jumping back, as we rushed forward.

She looked weak, a red imprint across her face, and her eyes sad as if she'd just cried a thousand tears. She couldn't speak, even though she opened her mouth, no sound escaped it. Instead, she wearily lifted a finger behind us, as we turned to hear the slam of a door.

Whatever light was in the room instantly cut off - the only sense we were left with was sound.

And there were footsteps.

"Once again Aria." The shadowed figure said, still approaching us, before shining a light on their face, an evil grin painted across it.

 "That was not a smart move."

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