Chapter 40 - Day 365.

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One Month Later:

Dear Diary,

Yep, it's been a whole month.

Thirty freaking days, and barely anything's happened. But since that night in the hospital,

everything's changed.

The truth about Amira came out. Well half of it at least.

Selina was driven to attempt a straight out revenge formula on us because of each of our actions that led people to know the truth: that Keegan dealt drugs to Amira that was the catalyst that led to her untimely death.  Yet, Selina still refuses to accept the fact that of the matter; that Keegan was deserving of every bit of punishment he received for doing what he did.

Under influence or not, he practically murdered Mitchell's sister.

As for Mitchell himself, his memory is coming back in fragments. He knows that me and him are friends at the least, and that we sat with each other in English. But everything else, even the very beginning where we were both squabbling in the lab and set the place on fire and caused the school to shut for a week - he can't recall a piece of it.

And don't get me wrong, I am so, so grateful that he's well and even alive but...does it really even matter when the person who you love is just there in physicality? Like you see them in flesh but mentally there's barely any recognition as to who you are and what you used to be.

Needless to say, our relationship pretty much ended the day of the crash.

As for the rest of the gang, Selina and her two sidemen have gone quiet, out of fear possibly. Occasionally, we'd cross paths in school, but only for them to throw a snarky comment, as to whether or not my "boyfriend" can remember how to walk or talk for himself. Monika, Angel and Rosalie are pretty much the same. Their heads were down in work for exams, and to be honest, all ours were - even our hangouts had become revision. As for the boys, Abram's sort of drifted away into extracurriculars and all sorts, whereas Ishmael and Ramon are around as often as possible, especially with Mitchell, considering they're the only pair he fully trusts and has the most memories of.

So yeah.

What else can I say?

I could lie, and say I'm hopeful and I know in my heart of hearts that Mitchell's going to wake up one morning and remember everything and he'll rush to my house and we'll hug and kiss and apologise for everything we've been through - but let's face it.

Life isn't a fairy tale.

I'm not a princess and he's not a prince, and no amount of magic on this earth, in this universe even...could've fixed something as broken as this.

The End.

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