here for you // bertholdt hoover

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would it be a sin to say that i love you despite being a traitor? i only wish to take a hold of your hand without a care in the world, i only wish that you would be by my side and the both of us living a peaceful life. everytime i see you smiling, everytime you laugh or talk, those are the moments that i come to detest myself for deceiving you. if only... if only you knew about the real me.

"bert! are you listening to me?" your sweet voice snaps me out of my thoughts, my eyes travelling down to meet yours as i could see your (e/c) orbs shining brightly as the sun reflected on them. it takes some time for me to finally smile at you and a chuckle escaping from me when i see you pout. "you really weren't after all!" you whined as i shook my head gently.

"no, no (y/n). i really was listening, you were talking about how sasha stole your bread again today?" you nod your head once more and a sigh escapes your lips, you lean your head on my shoulder and your fingers entwine themselves with my own as you grip them gently in your hold. a satisfied huff leaves me as i also lean my head onto yours and inhale the faint sweet scent you always emitted.

"everyday, every single day! geez bert, people say i'm patient but how can i be patient when they steal my food?" my thumb softly caresses the back of your hand, a laugh leaving from me as i do so.

"but isn't sasha usually that way? besides, you can always sit with reiner and i." i suggest but you swiftly take your head off my shoulder and look into my eyes, the smile still tugging my lips and it unconsciously widens the more i look at you. my fingers reach for the strands of hair that were messily falling down on your features, brushing them aside and behind your ear.

the way you felt so warm under my touch made me lean in and place a kiss on your forehead, something i knew that would stop you from pouting and brush aside the thoughts of your problems. after pulling away in the slightest, i feel your hands grasp onto my sides and grip onto my shirt gently. a furrow coming to my brow slightly when seeing an uncertain look on your features.

you didn't even say a word and i couldn't bring myself to say anything either, instead i just let you silently place yourself on my chest and i wrap my arms around you gently, as if i would be scared that you'd break if i held too tightly.

through our embrace, i could hear your heartbeat and i took notice of how fast it was beating. a wry chuckle left my lips and i run my fingers through your (h/c) strands of hair before placing a kiss on the crown of your head. "are you nervous about anything?" i ask you in a whisper, worry fills me when i feel you tighten your arms around me and not even looking up once. "(y/n)?"

"bertholdt, you wouldn't hide anything from me would you?" the sudden question that left from you had caught me by surprise. i hum while gulping down the knot on my throat, shaking my head slowly, i look down at you to see that ou still had your face burried in my chest.

i myself didn't even know how to answer you asides from lying, if i ever told you i had been a traitor from the start... i was too scared to know what your reaction would be, and so leading to the option of not telling you and instead lying.

"i would never hide anything from you, why do you ask?"

"...with everything that's happening, i feel so insecure about our surroundings..." you say and soon lift your head off my shoulder and now finally making eye contact. "after finding out annie is the female titan and eren is a titan shifter too, anybody around us could also be the same." you murmur quietly and i could see you biting your lips in the slightest.

i narrow my eyes down at you in adoration and cup your cheek. "are you scared somebody close to you might turn their backs in a matter of seconds?" i hesitantly ask you, you slowly nod your head and i pull your head towards mine and gently place my forehead on yours.

"(y/n), just remember that no matter what..." i'll at least try to accomplish this..."I will always protect you." a gentle smile tugs my lips when I hear your giggle.

"and I will always be here for you bert, no matter what."

** ** **

the sun was setting in the distance of the dusk sky, the (h/c) haired female was sat at the edge of the humongous wall that stopped titans from coming through and staring into nothing. you felt somebody gently shake your shoulder as you turn around to stare into the overly familiar brown irises of hange.

she sent you a small smile before kneeling down beside you.

"(y/n)... i know this must be hard for you to take in." she whispered as you could only go back to staring at the distance, the same distance that you saw reiner's titan form run to with bertholdt and the unconscious eren.

"did you about anything? about reiner and bertholdt being titan shifters?" hange's question echoed through your mind and you could only shake your head slowly as your hand had unconsciously gripped onto your bandaged arm.

"... I didn't..." you murmur in a low voice, you held back the tears of frustration as you closed your eyes tightly and faced downwards. "i didn't know about a single thing."

hange nodded her head at your words and stood up, patting your head lightly and thanking before she took her leave. you swallowed the knot on your throat and all you could was sit there quietly as you heard the people from afar planning to gain back eren.

you felt angry but also worried at the same time for bertholdt who was now somewhere you didn't even know, you felt angry for the fact he had lied to you but you couldn't help but still worry for him. your eyes lift up and you sigh under your breath quietly before running your fingers through your hair.

all you could was wait, even after finding out that he was a traitor and colossal titan, you still wanted him back.

after all, you promised that you'd always be there for him.

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