ship of dreams (1)// eren yeager

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titanic au! (because why not)

p.s because I watched the movie yesterday and got emotional over it so really, just why not

(y/c)=your country

(y/nty)=your nationality


eren's heart had been beating miles per hour as his eyes watched as you laughed alongside all those drunken men, the (y/nty) girl who told him she sneaked her way in after a bet in gambling much to her luck, indeed, you were a fascinating girl. the total opposite of his fiancé who seemed to be so full of herself. it hadn't even been a week he had come to meet you, and yet, he had already been affected by your charms. both of you laughed while clumsily dancing in the amidst of drunken people, it was a unique experience eren had never felt before, the way he was intoxicated with both the alcohol and happiness, surly this would be a night he would never forget for the rest of his life.

the way you made his heart flutter and it hadn't even been a week, maybe it had been the way you were so adamant about things and how passionate you were in every single word you said, he had fallen in love with you hopelessly. the young aristocrat whom you, a penniless artist, managed to save him from the thoughts of suicide. the adventurous and rebellious moments he had always wanted to live, all coming true thanks to you.

he would never forget when he felt so nervous and anxious, he thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest, when both you and him were inside one of the cars belonging to one of the privileged people on board, all while you had people looking for both of you, rebellious teens. he wouldn't dare to forget your smile when he ended your passionate act of pleasure, the thrill of running away after that was almost too much to take but he still laughed loudly alongside you while you his arms tightly wrapped around your waist and yours over his shoulders as he swung you around on the quiet spacious deck, only hearing the calm waves from the sea.

most importantly... he would never forget the fearing feeling when the ship shook and the sight of perks from an iceberg falling on board, you were confused but still came up with the brave idea of suggesting to tell his father and fiancé. that leading to you being handcuffed in a room from how his fiancé accused you stealing the necklace that had belonged to her.

eren ran in between the crowds of panicking people, the music being played by violins in the background mixed in with the loud cries, his mind was barely focusing on anything aside from the fact he had to find you. after going through various floors, he finally arrived at E deck and hesitant to step into the freezing cold water that had been rising quickly. but the fact you could possibly drown in all of this scared him more.

he called out your name from the top of his lungs, he desperately tried not to shake from how cold it was, but forgot all about it when you came to answer him back.

"eren!" you shouted happily when he walked through the doors of the master-at-arms' office, his eyes shining brightly in relief when seeing you, but soon to become enraged when seeing the handcuffs around your wrists and attached to the pipes, all whilst water had been rising beneath you.

"(y/n)! where are the keys for this thing?!" he quickly asked and looked around desperately, you struggled with your words and memories. you didn't know where reiner, eren's butler had hidden the key.

"I-I don't know! check the board! small silver key!" you quickly answered, the young male did as you said, but panic quickly displaying clearly on his features when not finding the key. eren opened all the drawers but only to be once again let down when finding the silver key that would unlock you from those handcuffs that were burning around your wrists.

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