me, you and the moon // connie springer

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modern au!

both of you were raised together, you were a match happened to made in a hospital, not heaven, nah, hospital. somehow they put the both of you in the opposite cribs with the wrong name tags. you were put in connie springer's crib and he was put in yours.

doctor confused your gender's even somehow.

that was how your mom met his, through this hilarious, to them, incident.

and ever since then, you were never even apart for one moment.

same elementary, primary, middle school, high school and somehow college and university. you started dating half way through college, the funniest couple in campus, and you loved each other to every bit of your hearts.

finally, after you finished college, connie invited you to share an apartment with him, and so you have been with him for 5 years currently and dating for 7. you couldn't be any happier every time you came home.

except for the moment he forgot to clean out the dog's poo.

but currently, both of you were out, Connie suddenly inviting you to go ice skating. but your plans changed when you got there and the lady had told you it was closed. you then debated to have Pizza Hut or McDonald's, in the end you won and went to Pizza Hut.

after that you went to the nearest super market, having nothing much to do, you started fooling around in wheeler chairs. and that ended up having the both of you kicked out while having a race until the exit of the super market.

so it was now who knows what time, your phone dead, nobody around, it was dark with only the faint light of the moon and the light posts.

your hands were enlaced together as you sang loudly to your hearts content in the middle of the huge parking lot. the moment your voices died, you stood there in silence, just staring into one another's eyes until a giggle erupted from you when seeing the seriousness in Connie's eyes.

"why so serious?" you asked in a playful whisper, he made a funny 'I don't know' face and laughed before pulling into his arms, warming your body up against the chilli night breeze.

"can I sing to you right now?" he asked, the both of you moving slowly and smoothly from one side to another.

you nodded your head and placed your head properly on his shoulder, taking his faint scent that made your heart beat calm down.

"it's a beautiful night..." he started and you felt the smile on your lips widen and your cheeks faintly flush a scarlet colour. "and we're looking for something dumb to do."

"hey baby..."

"I think I wanna marry you."

in that moment it was as if you felt your own heart stop, eyes widen and you pull your head away, looking up into his eyes to see the same seriousness from earlier and a sincere smile playing his lips.

"is it the look in your eyes?" He sang now in almost a whisper, his hand reaching for your cheek and caressing it. "or is it just the dancing juice?"

a laugh lowly left you as you tightened your grip on his coat while he continued to sing.

"who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you."

after that sentence, the box of take out he had been carrying from Pizza Hut was placed out before you and he opened it.

this time you wanted to laugh your head off but it was the mixture of laugh and happiness that somehow made tears run down from your eyes.

Connie held out the box, a slice of pizza with a small ring on the side, the tiny diamond shining brightly through the dark night.

"will you marry me?" would he even need an answer? you asked yourself mentally while wiping your tears away. you took the slice of pizza and took a bite from it with a wide grin.

"you know just what to do to make me say yes, you dork." You leaned in and placed a small kiss on the side of his lips before nodding your head and snuggling your nose against his cold, faintly red one from the cold.

"of course, I'm saying yes."

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