x-mas edition // erwin smith

585 19 9

will you take my hand?
modern au!

   It was the usual end of year party, where families would reunite themselves and celebrate Christmas. But for your family, it would always be different, your parents would make it different. They would invite multiple people, your father would invite his business partners and they would bring their families.

   You always feel as if it was a nuisance, even if it had been something that has been done for as long as you could remember, and your mother would give the excuse it was a family tradition.

   A sigh escaped as you take a sip from the glass of champagne you randomly took from a tray, even though the music was still heard, the voice of the crowd gave you a headache. They'd be talking about business, expensive jewelry women had gotten themselves or even the luxurious trips the head of the families had planned.

   Your family was no different from those people.

   Your mother was always somebody who cares about status, luckily, she let you go to languages major in college like you'd asked and managed to escape the music university she had already prepared for you long ago. Even if you did like playing instruments, you knew that taking the path to be a musician wasn't right.

   Your eyes glanced around, eying every single person in there, even dying some of the boys your mom once told you to be engaged to. It was just the usual disaster.

   Just before you could walk off to somewhere else, you abruptly bump into someone, luckily you managed to keep your drink in place instead of having it all over the person before you. You pulled away and bowed your head to the person swiftly.

"I apologise for bumping it you..." You look up to see who stood before you, only for your eyes to widen in surprise but then going back to normal. "Mr. Erwin."

   Before you stood one of the youngest geniuses out there, Erwin Smith. He was the son of one of the most brilliant tutors out there, not to mention, Erwin himself had accomplished multiple things and owned a corporation of his own, Smith Corp.

   How did you know about all of this? Your mother would do nothing but ramble about all the rich men out there and how there were the possibilities of you marrying one of them, and also, your brother applied to his company once but your father was quick to reject the idea as he was the only male heir.

   Erwin simply smiled down at you, a smile that usually made any lady swoon, but not you, you weren't one to think highly of others or yourself.

"There is no need to apologise, miss (y/n)." He said and slipped his hand onto his back in a polite manner. "I was the one who bumped into you, and please, no need for formalities. Just call me Erwin." You nodded your head in return with a polite smile to your own.

"Hm, I still apologise on bumping into you though, Erwin, no need to take the blame." The male sighs quietly beneath his breath, and you noticed.

Before you started to make your way out, you once again bowed your head. "Anyways, if you'll excuse me—"

"Why don't we grab a drink?" Asked Erwin in a uncertain voice, almost sounding insecure of himself. To your surprise, your jaw had dropped slightly at his proposal, never expecting to hear it.

Both of you were quiet, the voices around you two never quieting down and you just stood there. After a few moments of silence, he huffed and scratched the back of his head with a wry smile.

"I guess the alcohol got—"

"Okay, shall we?" You raised your hand a bit. You didn't mind going to get a drink with the gentleman before you.

    You couldn't hold in your giggle when seeing a blush spread across his cheeks, Erwin turned away when seeing you laugh and brushed back a strand of (h/c) hair back before smiling up at him.

"Are you embarrassed, mr. Erwin?" You teases and he was quick to shake his head.

"N-No, miss (y/n), it's just that..." He paused and you could see he wasn't able to go from the smile that was now dancing on his lips while looking the other way. "I just had my dream come true." You hear him murmur and now making you blush.

    While he giggled quietly to himself, almost like a little boy, you once again raised your hand and laughed.

"Well, shall we go, Erwin?" Your question made him quickly grasp a hold of your hand with a confident nod.

"We shall, (y/n)."

    And suddenly, Christmas meetings weren't as boring anymore.


what a lame ass ending bish wth

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