x-mas edition // connie springer

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all I want for christmas is you
modern au!
     During Christmas, he planned to give his girlfriend the time of her life, after all, it was going to be their two year anniversary too. He had everything planned, for once, he had been organized; he had the present for her ready, he even reserved the most expensive restaurant that he thought he wouldn't be able to afford for, but he did, after working his ass off for four months, he did. He had even bought two tickets for them to go to the amusement park that was Christmas themed this year.

     Everything was perfect.

     So why did it have to be that way?

     Connie was sat down on a bench, his hands dug into his own pockets since they were about to turn blue, it wasn't snowing, but it was raining like it was the end of the world. His eyes were casted down to the concrete as he could hear rushed footsteps from people who ran from the rain and into shelter.

     Christmas was supposed to be a happy time, instead of going to his parents' place like he always would every year, he made an exception for her. And yet how did it end?

     "I can't do this anymore, I have been feeling nothing towards you for a while now, so I'm sorry. Let's break up."

     Those words had been enough to make his entire world crash and get sucked in by the black hole, he felt that devastated for losing her. While he continued to be sat down on the bench, hoping to catch a cold from the harsh, freezing cold, Christmas rain — he suddenly couldn't feel it hitting, almost scratching his skin anymore.

     The water was instead hitting the surface of an umbrella, that was being held by a girl he had been familiar with. (y/n) (l/n). She was in the same class as him all the way through college, both were considered friends, hung out a few times before in mixes.

     But that was all three years prior. Connie looked up, still looking dejected from the loss of his beloved girlfriend, or rather, ex-girlfriend. He was still able to recognize you despite the drastic change in your appearance. You had now (h/l) (h/c) instead of your deeply bleached pixie hair cut you had in college, instead of having piercing all over your ears and a few on your facial features, you only had two on each rim of your ears. Instead of wearing rough make-up like usually wore in college, you barely wore any now, making your natural beauty more appealing. And even the way you dressed yourself as you wore only sweats and tight shirts back then that were in contrast to the knee length, long sleeved (f/c) dress

     He was able to recognize you despite all those changes — all because of your eyes. Your mysterious yet beautiful (e/c) orbs that was one of the many things, along with your appearance, that made you outstand others.

     Connie was shocked at the current you, but more than ever, amazed.

     His mouth hung open as you stared down at him, you tilted your head to the side slightly with your eyes slightly narrowing.

     "Connie Springer?" Your voice hadn't changed throughout the years, it was still the same. You calling out his name brought sudden memories of years ago when you first met.

     A wild blush spread across his cheeks and he stood up straight. "T-That's me." He said, audibly enough. "A-Are you (y/n) (l-l/n)?" He mentally cursed himself for cursing.

     A smile tugged the side of your mouth and you nodded your head. "Yes, t-that's me." You teases him and his blush became a deeper colour of crimson, making a laugh go past your lips.

     "How were you able to recognize me?" He asked out of the blue, the smile on your lips didn't fall, you put back a strand of hair as you analyzed him up and down.

     "I've got to say, you haven't really changed since college." You chuckled. "You kept the same hairstyle, and that lost puppy look of yours haven't changed at all." Your comment made his eyes widen and he remembered his loss.

     His heart clenched tightly and he smiled wryly, yet sadly. You weren't dumb, you knew something had gome wrong with this guy, and for that to happen on Christmas Day must've been quite a horrible thing.

     You thought of sitting down but you looked at the bench and saw that it was drenched from the rain. A sigh left from you and you offer him your hand, looks up at it in slight confusion.

     "You're soaked." You point out as a matter of fact, your brow furrows, you're giving him a sarcastic look. "I live not far from here, let me take you to my apartment and you can shower and dry your clothes there." Connie was astonished.

      His heart was starting to beat in his chest and a smile crept to his lips, not as sad as the one before, but he was thankful to you. He took your hand and stood up, a laugh left from you and he arched his brows in confusion.

     "You've grown quite a lot, I remember I used to be taller than you in college by two inches." You grin when seeing a blush touch lightly upon his cheeks. "And I'm wearing heels right now too."

      "T-Thank you?" He said nervously, you tugged his hand into the direction of your apartment and he followed behind you.

     Even if there weren't any Christmas lights in the park you both walked out of, or even the nearby buildings, your eyes twinkled in happiness just like Connie's.

     Let me just say that after that, it didn't take long until the both of you ended up deciding to spend the next Christmas of the next year and possibly the next ones from then on together.


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