x-mas edition // mikasa ackerman

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forever treasure

The cold bit on your skin even as you were under the covers, you wish you could stand up and put more wood into the fading fire, but couldn't. Your leg was injured from the latest expedition, a titan had bitten your leg and resulting in having you in bed.

Luckily, you didn't have to amputate it, but a few of your bones were obviously broken. You didn't dare to leave the bed, otherwise, you would be kept for longer days in the room. Those were Mikasa's words to you.

The paper on your lap was already full with scribbles, you were bored as you'd already read all of the books that Sasha had left you, and now, all you could do was listen to the fire crackling. A sigh left you while rearranging your position on the bed, carefully so that you wouldn't hurt yourself.

Ah, people might start coming back from the expeditions now—

"(y/n)." You heard your name be called out as soon as the door opened. There stood Mikasa, wearing her blank look as always and the tips of her fingers red from the cold.

Your lips unconsciously tugged upwards at the sight of the person you loved, your arms opened but only to come back down again when feeling the pain on your leg. Which caused for Mikasa to take only two strides and sit by your side.

Her hands went to your shoulders and pushed them down gently so that you'd lay yourself on the bed again.

"Please don't force yourself." Even if her voice sounded monotone, most people wouldn't be able to pick up on the worry behind it. "Just lay down for now..."

"Thank you, Mikasa." You said with a smile. "But I feel so much better! There is no need to worry." She didn't change her expression even if you reassured her.

Both of you were just chatting as usual when we she's come, Mikasa answering all the questions you asked about the expedition she'd just come back from. You sounded bubbly as you some to Mikasa but she simply sat at the edge of the bed, listening to you speak.

It wasn't anything unusual, she'd always be the one listening to you talk, especially during the times you got injured and you tended to miss out on things.

Her hand unconsciously gripped yours as you spoke when thinking back of when the Titan had almost bitten your leg off, you knew Mikasa had hated the sight more than anything since your leg was close to being amputated. It scared her too much.

You had gone silent when seeing that she looked to be spacing out all of a sudden, knowing what she was thinking about, she would always be thinking about things that happened to you whenever getting injured.

"Mikasa." She heard your voice call out to her in a whisper, her dark grey eyes whose colour seemed to resemble a storm, now stared into your (e/c).

"Do you need anything?" She asked out in worry, her hand gripping a bit more tightly onto yours."

"Do you know what day is today?"

Your question caught her off guard, you saw that when her eyes widened in the slightest. But Mikasa shook her head and you giggled.

"It's Christmas." You revealed and your smile widened. After she took in your words, a little smile played on her lips as she nodded her.

"Ah, yes it is." She murmured and had her other hand caresses your cheeks. "I forgot to bring you something."

But you shook your head at her words and overlapped her hand with yours, making her smile widen. "There is no need, just you being here made my day, thank you for always worrying for me."

Shock slightly hit you when hearing her giggle and shake her head softly leaning in and placing a kiss on your lips before sitting down on the edge of the bed once again.

"How can I not? You're always so clumsy and I need to take care of you." You gasped softly before hitting her with the little strength you had.

"Hey! That's not really nice to say!

hey guys! sorry I haven't been updating as often as I said I would, I broke my promise, I know. but something happened and I have good news and bad news.

bad news first — I have a sprained wrist and my said I shouldn't be on my phone as often as I always am. meaning, I won't be able to update as often (if you call my updates often) as it should be. she told me she'd be taking my phone for at least two weeks until my wrist gets better. meaning, no updates for a while.

good news — whenever I have the chance to steal the phone like I just had to do this update, I'll be trying to update on you guys for x-mas edition chapters.

for those who read my other story 'Chasing Pavements' that story will continue to be posted every Thursday (today actually) because I already have all the chapters planned out and ready.

ONCE AGAIN, I am sorry for letting you guys down. would most people consider this a semi-hiatus? BECAUSE IT ISNT.

just because I am injured doesn't exactly mean, I am not gonna do my proper work. like I said, I'll to update as much as I can on you and after Christmas editions are done, I have an announcement on new stories I am planning on making.

see you until then! IF ANYTHING HAVE A HAPPY MEW YEAR!!


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