uncontrollable // eren yeager

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for as long as you could remember, you always admired your father and mother for being a part of the survey corps. the role models in your life which led you to want to take part in training hard so that you would become the same as them. you always knew that barely anyone that was part of the survey corps would make it out alive, you knew people risked their lives everyday to keep you and the people around you safe, this was an act of honour you had always wanted to accomplish.

the day in which you were only playing outside with a few of your friends and suddenly hearing the terrifying sound of thunder in the middle of the sunny day made you confused to no end, but only to be terrified as you turned around and seeing a titan that was bigger then the wall surrounding the town you lived in, staring right down at your people. everything seemed to have gone silent and you swore that you could hear your own heart beat beating miles per hour, the moment you saw stones flying into the air was the moment you knew that you needed to run.

you turned around only to see that your friends had already fled, leaving you the only choice to run for yourself. the voices of people screaming and looking for shelter made you panic and you headed straight to your own home.

but the sight of the titan already in front of your house made you freeze in place, it didn't take you long to realise that you had to run away as fast as you could from there. but before you could even turn around, you felt a large hand envelope itself around you, your heart had stopped at the same moment and the only thing you could do was squirm and scream.

tears sliding down your eyes as you saw the titan's mouth open wider and wider, for one moment, you thought you could've died if it weren't for the sudden sound of 3DMG you were overly familiar with.

you were relieved to see that your father was the one now holding onto you and your arms immediately had wrapped themselves around his shoulders and he flies you to one of the roofs that were out of reach of titans.

"are you okay?!" he asked out in worry and you nod your head furiously, a sigh of relief left him and you could see that even through the worried look on his face, you saw a bit of what seemed to be sadness and anger in his eyes. The emotions you rarely got to see...maybe it was because of the situation of the titans suddenly coming through the wall like that.

"...(y/n), i need you to listen to me carefully and do everything i am about to tell you." he said softly to which made you pay close attention, a gentle smile tugged his lips as he crouched down to your level of sight, his hand placed on your shoulder as you stared into his (e/c) eyes that resembled yours.

your body stiffened and heart stopped for a mere second when hearing the nearby sound of something approaching, but your father still stared directly at you.

"i want you to run until you find groups of people together and where you know people who can make you safe would be." his voice rang in your mind and you came to realisation that you wouldn't go back safely with him. "i'll see you later honey." his voice was restrained and he pecked your forehead, your eyes were wide open and tears threatened to spill.

"what about m-mom?" you asked in a shaking voice, your father had only smiled at your question and stood up, you finally saw that his 3DMG had been cracked and making it impossible to fly to somewhere else, this being something you will always have to remember.

"honey, it's best if you go. don't look back okay?" with a smile, he lifted you into his arms and you desperately cling onto him while his hands pat your lower back before taking a few steps back. "i love you, okay? mommy too, always be a good girl and save people whenever you can." before you could say anything else, a shriek left your lips when feeling nothing but air surround you.

a ground full of corpses came to view and you could've sworn that the urge to throw up came when landing on them, but your heart coming to a stop when hearing blood curling scream from above and out of instinct you look up quickly but only to regret as you saw your father now being devoured by a titan. just like he had told you to, you ran as fast as you could, and after seeing that sight, you didn't dare to look back.

** ** ** **

"yeager, stop whining and crying about your ass, it doesn't hurt that bad."

"you don't even feel my pain right now, (y/n)!"

a (h/c) haired female sighed under her breath while she crossed her legs and arms, leaning back on the chair as she watches eren wriggle uncomfortably in place. after the training session of today, (y/n) had accompanied the male to the medic room since he had been complaining non-stop about how bad his lower half had been hurting since she had apparently "pushed him down on the floor too hard".

(y/n) at first denied him and even after having to face mikasa's death glare, she denied. but after at least somebody kind and well mannered enough, such as armin, asked her politely, she couldn't help but say yes.

leading now to the current situation of a whining eren and annoyed by his annoying whines (y/n).

"can't you even shut up?" she asked in a calm voice, internally holding herself from hurting the boy further. his teal eyes now staring directly into the female's, the room was now silent which made (y/n) nervous somehow and not knowing the reason. her cheeks unintentionally heating up as she grew embarrassed by the boy staring at her for too long.

a furrow came to her brow when seeing his lips tug upwards slightly before turning into a grin.

"you are beautiful, you know?"

his comment made her cheeks now explode into multiple shades of red and leaving the girl in awe, of all times for him to repeat what he would usually say, he had to say in the time both were in the medic room with his ass in pain. smooth move yeager, not bad at all.

her eyes avert to her lap while her fingers fidget, her eyes clenching shut while she covers them with her hand and bringing her knees to her chest. (y/n) had been too embarrassed to even know what to say, this was one out of many comments of eren yeager about her appearance, next would be another confession probably.

"geez, you always say random things like that." she grunts, brushing away a (h/c) that covered her view behind her ear, she hesitantly looks up and meets eren's warm gaze that was still on her. "i told you to stop doing that didn't i?"

"can't control my feelings for you though, (y/n), i need to let you know about them." he was so proud about his words it almost made the female want to hit him. "no matter how many times you reject me because you don't want to find anyone, i will confess so many times, soo many until you accept me."

so persistent! she internally shouted to herself.

"what if i never come to accept you?"

"then i will have to go with my own plans for you to become mine."

since when had eren yeager become so smooth with words? (y/n)'s heart was beating too fast that it made her lose her way with her own words. even knowing eren had been a really nice guy, somebody who passed through a lot of unfortunate events like she had, she couldn't help but still not want to answer him honestly. after all she never wanted to be hurt the way she was when seeing her father die.

"(y/n), i love you."

"stop saying that randomly!" She shouts out of embarrassment to the now laughing boy, secretly, a smile had tugged her lips as she looked to the side.

but her feelings might come out sooner or later, after all, she also wasn't one to keep things to herself for so long too


soz it's been sooo long since last update and you guys had to read such a crap chapter but hell--school i mean, started and i am already wanting to take bleach everyday for my classes whenever i feel thirsty

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