Takasaki's Group

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"L/N. Please come join us!" Takasaki calls out your name and you look to where she's with two of her close friends, one chubby and one skinny. You walk over to her and set your bento onto the table, claiming a spot for yourself.

"Wow. You're so pretty. What do you do to your skin to make it like that?" The chubby one asks and you smile.

"It's a secret." You open your bento and start to dig in.

"Such healthy food. That's why you're so fit." The skinny one remarks and you just continue eating.

"Now now, let her eat her lunch," Takasaki gives her friends a bit of a worried grin.

"It's alright. I don't mind," you say in between bites.

"Ehhh you're so nice, L/N," the chubby one still talks and your eyebrows twitch, but you manage to smile.

"Thank you. But Takasaki is really more beautiful and nice than me."

"Wha-? No!" Takasaki starts to protest.

"Yah you're right! Really, she always lets the new kids sit with her and she's so nice. That's why every boy has a crush on her. I'm so jealous," she rolls her eyes and Takasaki waves both of her hands in a 'no'.

So she lets new kids sit with her. She really is nice.

Eventually you guys keep on talking and pretty soon it's as if you're already part of the group. A bell rings in the distance and you realize that that's the bell signaling class will proceed in five minutes. You start to pack up your bento and Takasaki continues talking with her friends.

"Guys, I should get going. Class is about to start," you interrupt them and they turn to you.

"Yeah. Sit with us again, L/N!" The chubby friend smiles and you nod.

"Bye bye." You wave and leave, bento in hand. Now... where do you go? Just return back to the classroom. You start to walk down an unfamiliar hallway and close your eyes, concentrating on trying to remember where the classroom is located. You don't notice Nejima nearing you and eventually, you bump into him. Your eyes open and you're on the floor, with him laying over you.

"S- Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Nejima stutters and you shake your head.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was looking." You try to stand up, but Nejima is blocking you. "Eh... could you get off me?"

"Ah! O- Of course! Sorry." He jumps off of you and stands up, holding out a hand. You take it and thank him after he pulls you up onto your feet. That's when you notice two of his friends. There's that purple haired guy.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you guys." You bow in apology and Nejima's eyes widen.

"No! No no! I'm really sorry! It was my fault," he rubs the back of his head with his palm and you just shake your head.

"I'll go now," you say and you walk away. You feel their eyes on your back.

"She's so pretty," you hear one of them say.

"Mmhmm." One of them replies and you then stop in your tracks. You suddenly turn back to them and stare at Nejima.

"I'm sorry to ask, but could you show me where the classroom is?" You smile apologetically.

"Oh! Sure." He quickly agrees and starts walking down the hallway. You and his friends follow after him.

"You guys can just wait. I'll come back quickly," Nejima says.

"It's fine we can follow." The purple haired guy replies, glancing away.

"Ah, okay," Nejima says awkwardly, tightening the tension.

"So, L/N, right?" Nejima's other friend that's also brown haired asks.

"Yes." You nod as you guys continue walking down the hallway and turn right.

"You're really pretty! I think you're even prettier than Takasaki!" He chirps and you notice Nejima flinch at the mention of her name. The purple guy notices too.

So... this must be how it is. Nejima likes Takasaki, and purple guy likes Nejima. But who does Takasaki like? You're lost in your thoughts, so you don't participate as they talk amongst themselves.

"So is there anyone you like, L/N?" The brown haired boy asks. You snap out of your thoughts and smile.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. Do you mind telling me again?"

"Ah, sure. Is there anyone you like?"

"Hmmm..." you tap your chin and think about it. The only person you so far that has made your heart beat faster? No doubt it's-

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