After Ending(?)

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A/N: some of you guys said you wanted more, so this is the after ending..? I guess this is the real last one :p (sry it's been a while)

You place your bare foot in the familiar river that brings you memories. Looking down at the clear water, you bring your other foot parallel to the first and smile, feeling fresh amidst the hot weather.

"Nisaka-kun, come here!" You beam at the man with musky purple colored bangs hanging over his eyes.

"Okay okay." He slowly walks over to you and places himself right beside you.

"What do you need?" His face is directed towards the clear rushing water.

"Step in the water. It's refreshing." You stare at his dark purple hair and your smile begins to fade away. He does what you tell him and he turns to you, his face completely blank. A light smile then dances on his lips.

"I guess it is."

He turns away again and now you feel a wave of loneliness inside you. You thought that this trip would help him bring out more emotion from inside him since he became quite the statue after the end of high school, but it obviously wasn't working.

"Nisaka, if you truly had the choice, would you have chosen Nejima-kun over me?" You let the words trickle out of your mouth and regret it right after.

"Why would you want to know that?"

"Never mind. I'm sorry for asking such a useless question." You quickly cover up your curious words and comment on the scenery. But you can tell Nisaka isn't listening.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" He asks as he steps out of the river and moves towards you, causing the atmosphere to be a lot more tense than it already was.

"Um... no I think I'm fine," you chuckle a bit, regretting even thinking to ask such a question that had such an obvious answer.

The two of you walk along the rushing water in silence, until Nisaka begins to speak.

"I liked Nejima. I really did. So don't be surprised when I tell you that I would have chosen him," he says softly. You already knew that, but it still hurt when he said it out loud without even hesitating.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you better advice back then. Maybe something could've worked out," you sigh as you turn around to face him with a sad smile.

Nisaka shakes his head and gives a sorrowful smile back. "No, it couldn't have worked out."

You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out because there's nothing to say. So your legs move again, and you continue to walk along the river. After a few steps, you realize you don't hear another pair of feet following after you. Confused, you turn back again to see Nisaka still standing, his eyes plastered to the ground.

"Hey, Y/N. I already knew it was never going to work. I'm just glad that you were the one to be there when I needed someone the most." He stands awkwardly with his hands tucked into his pockets and his eyes dropped to the ground.

You stare blankly at his face for a minute, but then his words hit you and you grin gleefully. You take your time to walk up to him and watch as he fidgets uncomfortably. Your smile fades as you get closer, until you're finally less than a foot away from his face.

You reach your hand up to stroke his dark purple hair, which you've always wanted to touch, and look up into his deep violet eyes. Your fingers move down from his hair to his cheek, where they rest comfortably on his pale skin.

"Thank you."

Then, you pinch his cheek and pull, making his eyes widen and mouth open. "Whayre ya doiimg?"

The bewildered look on his face is priceless, and you can't help but laugh. "You should've told me that earlier, you dummy! You had me feeling all sad for nothing."

You begin to let go of his cheek, but he grabs your hand with his own, keeping your fingers on his face. This time, your eyes widen.

"I'm sorry," Nisaka whispers.

You feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks, and before you change your mind, you quickly move your head forward to give him a light kiss on the cheek you pulled. You can feel the blush marching its way onto your face, and you turn around as fast as you can, your back facing him.

"It's okay," you say hurriedly as you slightly twist your head to take a peek at his face. When you see his face flushed red, you can't stop yourself from smiling again like an idiot.

With time, things will become better. And you don't need to worry about time, because you two will spend the rest of your lives together.
That's it from me! Hope you guys enjoyed it and again sorry I haven't published this in a long time. Please check out my other stories and I hope to see you guys again :)

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