The Playdate

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A/N: Woweeewowow the reads went DOWN↓ LOL but it's all gud so IMMA GIVE U AND NISAKA SOMMA DAT QUALITY TIME KOFFFFFFFF
"Y/N!!" A voice calls out your name and you turn your head around, searching for the source of the sound.

"Y/N!" The voice calls again and you smile, seeing Takasaki. She looks so cute in a fashionable sleeveless white hoodie with a longsleeved gray shirt underneath. Her shoulder-length black hair is still as silky straight (WHAT NISAKA ISN'T AHA KOFFF) as ever. She has a pair of  light blue jean shorts that shows off most of her thighs, which boys turn and blush to look at.

"Takasaki-san!" You wave slightly as you hear people chatter.

"Is this a place where pretty girls meet?"

"Dayummm they're so pretty."

"Y/N," Takasaki smiles and waves back.

"We have to wait for Lilina now," you say and she nods.

"She should come soon, should we look around?"

"Okay," you shrug and follow her as she starts to walk around looking at intersting public works. But then, you guys hear shouts and yells from the distance. A pink haired girl is by herself in a dark velvet dress with a small purse. Her thin pink lips are pressed together as she is surrounded by a group of boys and they shout at her, scaring her. You realize immediately who it is.

"Stop! What are you guys doing to her!" You yell to them and they turn around, smirking.

"Oh, another pretty one?" One of them asks. The smell of alchohol traces his words and you frown, obviously aware of how they're drunk.

"What the hell are you drunkards doing here! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" You shout as loudly as possible, attracting the attention of other people roaming around.

"NO," he shouts back, grabbing your shoulders violently. "But I'll go back only if you come with me," he leans in closer to you and you can smell other things in his disgusting breath that you don't want to define.

"HELP!!! SOMEONE REPORT CALL THE POLICE PLEASE!!!!" Already people are starting to take out their phones and dial the three digit number.

"Fine. Fine. I'm going. You happy?" He spits onto your shirt getting laughs from his bastard friends and then walking off.

"Y/N! Are you okay? We should just go back home if you're not feeling well." Takasaki suddenly runs to you and you shake your head.

"It's fine. I just need to change my shirt," you stare sadly at your favorite shirt and where that perv spit on it.

"Okay, I'll get one for you. Stay here with Lilina and comfort her please!" Takasaki runs off and you're left all alone with Lilina. She's shaking a bit and you walk over to her, concerned.

"Lilina, right? Hello, I'm Y/N. Are you okay?" You bend down to her short height that makes her so cute.

"Y-Yeah." She nods and you smile, attempting to comfort her.

"Let's sit down." You straighten yourself up and tower over her.

"N-No, actually, I have to go to the bathroom," she squeaks and then runs off. You start to run after her, but you stop and decide to wait here.

"Are you okay?" A sudden voice surprises you and you jump a little.

"Ah! Yes, I'm fine!" You quickly speak and then turn to the person, who you recognize immediately. "Nisaka?"

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry, I was watching you and not doing anything about it." He looks down, tucking his hands in his pockets. He's wearing a simple outfit with a black and white striped tee with black jeans, but he looks so dazzling in it that it makes it a bit hard for you to breathe. All of a sudden, you feel your body tense up and you get cautious of your every move and word.

"It's fine," you say simply.

"I guess so." He nods a little and then you walk over to a stone statue with a small ledge, where you sit down, sighing.

Nisaka copies you and your knees are brushing against each other.

"Why are you here?" You ask a bit rudely.

"No reason. I mostly just needed new clothes," he shrugs.

"I see," you look all around you and pretend to stare at statues and cosplayers, but in reality your eyes are desperate to lock onto Nisaka. Finally, your internal sruggle to get control over your eyes falters and your eyeballs stick to Nisaka's beautiful face. His pale and clear skin with dark purple hair slightly falling over his eyes. His wide majestic violet colored irises also wandering to look at statues. His long eyelashes giving him a feminine look. He's perfect. You continue to study his face when his eyes suddenly lock with yours and you blush slightly, but you control it and keep your face blank. Wow, you manage to control your blush but not your eyes.

"Why do you keep on staring at me?"

"No reason." You look away reluctantly and then notice Takasaki and Lilina both arriving together.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now