The River

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"Aha! Look! There's little fish!" Takasaki remarks.

"Really?" Nejima crouches down next to her and looks into the river, managing to not fall into the river.

"Ah, Nejima! You shouldn't get so close! You might fall i-"


Huh. He fell in.

"Nejima! Are you alright?" Taksaki asks, reaching over to where Nejima is laying on top of rocks.

"Y-Yeah!" Nejima quickly answers and stands up, his shirt soaking wet. "I'm so clumsy...."

"Nejima, you're bleeding! Why do you go and hurt yourself like this? You shouldn't have gotten so close to the river!" Takasaki sighs angrily.

"They're such a cute couple," Takeda walks over to you and whispers into your ear.

"I know, right? It would be great if they got chosen together." You nod and agree.

"Nisaka, what do you think?" Takeda turns to Nisaka and Nisaka turns away from his gaze.

"Yeah, I think that they're good together." He slowly nods and you smile for just a second. Your suspicions are right. Nisaka truly does like Nejima. Who ever knew he's gay?

"Takeda, what about you? Did you get your notification?" You ask, purposely changing the subject. 

"No! I really hope I get paired withyou, L/N!" He grins, his sharp eyes growing wide.

"R-Really? Hmmm... I don't really know who I want to be matched with. I just don't want anyone abusive or cruel. I'm sure you or anyone else would want the same." You tap your chin. "But we should stop talking about this. It might be uncomfortable for some people," you quickly glance at Nisaka but he doesn't notice.

"Eh? L/N-san, are you uncomfortable talking about your notice and pair?" Takeda asks curiously.

"Ah, I guess so." You shrug and he nods understandably.

"I see. I'll stop talking about it, then," he walks away to ruin Nejima's and Takasaki's moment.

You and Nisaka are left all alone.

"You already know don't you?" Nisaka asks, his voice muffled because his head is tucked in between his legs.

"Mmmm... you could say so." You admit.


"I won't. Don't worry about it. I wasn't very surprised when I figured it out. Nejima is a person that anyone can learn to love."

"...You like him too?" He slowly rises his head and makes eye contact with you.

"Erm... no. He's such a sweet person, but I don't think I like him, necessarily. Besides, even if I did like him I would've given up already. After all, he has Takasaki-san and you. Although it seems he has more of the 'love' feeling with Takasaki-san. Not trying to discourage you or anything." You say calmly.

"You're right. He only thinks of me as a friend." He sighs and tucks his head in between his legs again.

"You should still go. I mean, I think you guys are a cute couple too," you smile gently and he snaps his head back up, barely catching a glance at your smile.


"I'm not really a... gay shipper (A/N: sry sry you gay/les ppl out there you can just edit this part in ur mind) but when it comes to you guys I think it can work out," you stare at him and he blushes.

He looks... so CUTE.

"Thank you, L/N." He stands up and walks over to the others.

He's so into Nejima. He might never like another person.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now