The Three of Us

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"Ah, sorry. I think I have someone in mind but I don't think I want to say it out loud." You apologize.

"No, it's alright. Sorry for asking," he shakes his head. "But could you give me a hint?"

"A hint?"

"Tell me if it's one of us," he points to the three of them. You smirk. Should you tell them or not? They're all listening.

"Yes," you chuckle and think about how fun this will be.

"Have you gotten your notice yet?" He asks quickly.

"No, not yet. But I have a feeling it'll come soon," you sigh and he smiles devilishly.

"That's good to know," he says right before your classroom enters your field of vision and you sigh in relief. You turn to them and they all stop.

"Thank you so much for using your time to help me," you bow down to them and they nod.

"No problem! It wasn't that hard anyways," Nejima chuckles lightly and you look at the purple guy, who hasn't talked much at all.

"Can I have your name?" You stare straight at him. He grows a suspicious look on his face.

"And of course, you too," you turn to the brown haired friend and he grins from ear to ear.

"Nisaka." The purple guy speaks up and you continue to stare at him. He smirks.

"Am I that handsome?" He strikes a pose and you laugh.

"I just thought that you're quite unique," you smile, "and that we might have a lot in common. I'd like to be closer friends with you, if possible."

"I have all the friends I need right here," he points to Nejima and the brown haired guy.

"But I know one of them is more than just a friend to you..." you say slyly and he coughs. "You're best friends! I could tell from the way you seemed to pay very close attention to him. You might want to watch out. Some people could even mistake that you like him."

"N- No! Nisaka and I are just friends!" Nejima almost shouts.

"Of course. I'm sorry if I bothered you," you bow again and step into the classroom, the door still open. "Until next time."

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now