Just Like I-

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"I'm back from the trip!" You call out, slipping off your shoes before closing the door and stepping onto the wooden floor.

"Welcome back! How was the trip?" Your mother asks, walking towards you.

"It was very informative," you reply.

"Informative? You're just like your father. He always makes meetings useful and beneficial to himself. But make sure not to get too close to them, alright?" She reminds you and you nod.

"Please excuse me, I must go wash up in my room," you bow and she nods, smiling.

"Of course of course. Make sure to turn the shower nice and warm or you'll catch a cold, okay?" Your mother smiles gently.

"Yes," you nod back. You take your leave and head up the stairs to your room and start to think about the words she told you.

Don't get too close...

is what she said.

"Just don't stay with them often. Just avoid them. Only when it's absolutely necessary I should talk." You say to yourself as you slip off your clothes and step into your bathroom, taking a long warm shower, just as your mom had told you.

15 minutes later... (it didn't take 15 minutes to shower it just took time to dry yourself and all that other stuff)

"Today was an exhausting day," you sigh and collapse onto your bed, tired. You fold your hands over your stomach. You hair is splayed around your head, framing your face perfectly. Your thoughts are drifting off to them and Nisaka's smiling face is displayed in your head.

"Stop. Stop it." You cover your eyes with your hands, but that it only helps your head display Nisaka. You jump up from your bed and start to read a book, when you hear footsteps of a person's feet approaching your room. You look up to see your little brother enter into your room.

"What are you doing, Genjiro? You need to knock."

"Sister, I need something to occupy my mind. Could you please do something to waste time with me?" Your little brother asks.

"Sure." You nod and put your book back to your shelf and follow him as he starts to walk out.

"Where are we going?" You ask lightly.

"To my room," he replies. Sure enough, you guys enter his room and he closes the door.

"I actually wanted to discuss something with you," he stares at you as he sits down on his bed. You plop down next to him and you nod, signaling him to go on.

"My friends... I'm always sad to go away from them. What do you think I should do to not be as sad?" He asks carefully.

"Mmm..... that took me a very long time to figure out myself. But what I think is to not hang out with them as much. You need to make it seem as if you're part of the friendship circle but you don't hang out with them as often as others do. So if they wonder, I wanna go hang out with some friends, you won't be the person they will think of all the time. You got it?" You ask.

"That's hard to accomplish... but I think I'll try." He nods slightly.

"It's okay. It's hard for us. But you'll get the hang of it. Just like I-" You stop abruptly.

"Just like I..?" Your brother tilts his head and you shake your head, smiling and ruffling his hair.

"Never mind. You've grown so much. I remember when you haven't even started to go to school yet and you always bugged me, asking me, 'Sister! Can you play with me?'" You chuckle and hug him.

"Sister!" He blushes in embarrassment.

"Just kidding." You stick out your tongue. "You can always rely on me or talk to me because I'll always be with you. I'm not just a friend. Remember that. Even when you become an adult." You tap his nose with your finger and he nods obediently. "Good boy." You squeeze him again and then stand up.

"Good night," you wave good bye but he stands up and walks to you.

"Could I sleep in your room?" He asks.

"? Okay," you nod.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now