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"You must be so shocked! Are you really okay?" You overhear Takasaki comforting Lilina.

"Yeah! Sorry," she replies while attempting to smile.

"Okay. If you're not feeling well, we can just go and take you home." She wraps an arm around her shoulder and you feel a lonely pang ring in your stomach. Which reminds you, this will no doubt be the last time you will ever hang out with them outside of school.

"Oh, Nisaka! You're here too?" Takasaki turns to him, where he's standing with his hands tucked into his pockets. The bright city lights soak into his violet eyes and turns them into a combination of beautiful colors that your own eyes stare into.

"Oh, yeah."

"Oh! It's the perv!" Lilina immediately recognizes him and you give Lilina a look of bewilderment. PERV WUT

"I told you I'm not a perv! And don't say that out here." Nisaka sighs and you kinda raise your eyebrows. He notices and frowns a bit. "I'm serious."

You immediately smile at his persistent attempt to prove that he's not....
"It's okay. I believe you." You let out a small laugh and he sighs again, but this time in relief.

"You're the girl that's Takasaki's friend, right? Sorry for earlier." Lilina stares at you and you nod.

"It's fine. I understand." You stare back at her and she quickly looks away, somewhat shyly. Is she afraid of you..?

Whether if she used to be a friend of yours or not, she probably won't get used to you any time soon.

"Lilina?" Takasaki slightly tilts her head at Lilina's small figure and you notice Lilina's fingers lightly grasp onto Takasaki's arm.

"It's alright. She doesn't have to talk." You shrug. "I'll just go since Lilina's too uncomfortable."

"Ah, sorry." Takasaki sends an apologetic smile your way and you nod quickly.

"Oh, I have to go too." Nisaka looks at you and you feel your heart beat quicken. A walk home. Ride a bus. Alone. Together. By yourself. With him. So many options...

"Can I walk back home with you?"

"Oh, uh, I actually wanted-- I mean was going to ride my bike--no--bus and so I ca-"

"I'll just take that as a yes." Nisaka walks over to your side and Takasaki waves goodbye with Lilina cowering behind her. Are you really that intimidating? =_=

"She's just shy, so don't worry." Nisaka reads your mind and you remember that you're alone. With him.

"Oh, well, I actually remember her from when I was quite young. We used to be close friends. But I don't think she remembers the time we spent together." You try your best to keep the conversation going so that there's no awkward silence.

"I see. You should tell her."

"But she's so shy and scared of me. It'll just be too strange for her."

"I guess that's true." Nisaka nods in agreement and the silence you tried so hard to keep out managed to seep in.



"So, how's the progress with Nejima?" You blurt out words and want to smack yourself after. But you force a smile and his teasing eyes stare at you.

"You wanna know?"

"Uh... yeah.^^;;;"

"Nejima's... going through a lot of trouble. I haven't gome through much with him yet?" He shrugs and looks down at his feet as he walks. You squeeze your eyes tightly and then open them wide.



You peer up while covering your forehead with a hand, feeling your brain go through piercing pain. You stare at the person you bumped into for a couple of seconds until...


Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now