Does that mean you can't make friends?

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So school's gonna start soon for me it's literally just around the corner and I won't have enough time to update this story as frequently as before. Sorry about that, but it's the sad truth T3T.
I hope you can understand!

"L/N!" A voice calls out and you turn to it. "Good morning!" Takasaki smiles and her two other friends are right next to her.

Danger. This is going against what you want.

"Good morning," you nod and start to walk down the hallway.

"Takasaki, L/N, how was the trip?" The chubby one asks and Takasaki grins brightly.

"It was really fun! The river there was really pretty too. Oh, Nejima even fell into it." Takasaki laughs, remembering the moment.

"Really? I wish I could've gone. Why did you choose L/N over me? Hmph." She pouts.

"Oh, sorry sorry. I just wanted L/N to get to know us better. Besides, I wanted her to have some fun." Takasaki says apologetically.

"Just kidding just kidding. It was a joke." The chubby one winks. "L/N, what did you think of the trip?"

Keep it short and simple.

"It was very fun. I got to know everyone a little more," you say while your face shows no expression.

"Oh, nice. But you haven't been talking much. Don't tell me you're on your-"

"Ah! That's a sensitive topic!" Takasaki quickly cuts in and the chubby one laughs.

"My bad. Sorry, L/N." She apologizes and you shake your head and smile. Crap! Not smiling!

"Oh! She smiled! I guess you really are in your-"

"!" Takasaki sighs and the chubby one laughs.

"Just kidding."

Time Skip After School Ends:
"Why is it so difficult." You grumble to yourself, pulling out your phone. You pull out your earbuds along with them and plug them into the phone.

You start to watch some videos but even through the full volume you hear your name being called. Huh? Who is it?

You turn around to see Nisaka and you plug out your earbuds, slightly surprised. Oh wait... he lives in the same neighborhood as you. Probably.

"Nisaka..?" You slightly tilt your head.

"L/N. Do you live around here?" He asks.

"Yes. My house is right there," you point to your big house which is near the end of the street.

"I see."

"Do you live here, Nisaka?"

"Yeah. It's on the next street though." He nods.

Wait. Why are you talking unnecessarily to Nisaka? Stop talking.

Nisaka notices your quietness.

"L/N? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." You quickly nod.

Please go away. I'll just become closer to you guys and it's just going to hurt more.

"You must move a lot, L/N."

"Yes, I do."

"But does that mean you can't make friends?"

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now