Nisaka's Dad (is he gay doe)

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A/N: Sorry for not posting for a while lol I realized that I got more and more lazy after the anime ended. I was going reader mode instead of writer mode, so again sorry bout dat. I think I'm just going to update once every two weeks(?). So another sorry for that. But...hope you enjoy..?


"?" What?
You peer up and stare at the person. Who...?

Your eyes are foggy from confusion as you continue to stare at the man who you happened to bump into.

"You don't remember me?" You take a good look at the man who's dark purple bangs cover his eyes. Huh, that's strange. He looks like Nisaka.

"Sorry, I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting you before." You bow a little in apology and you hear Nisaka scoff a little. You slightly glare at him, never knowing he was this rude. He notices your menacing stare and he starts to explain.

"He's my father."


"Nisaka! I was going to look for you but an errand came up. What were you doing that took you so long?" Nisaka's dad tucks his hands into the pockets of his long white coat.

"I just met L/N along the way." Nisaka shrugs a bit and his dad's bangs raise a bit as he supposedly raises his eyebrows.

"Oh. I see." He nods and looks back at you. Seriously, how is he able to see with that hair? "Now back to L/N. I think you're the one I babysitted at a young age. I might still have a picture in my wallet." He takes out a brown leather wallet and fumbles through it, finally picking out a small square photo of your baby self.

"Here! Is this you?" He hands it to you and you take it with both hands, staring at it curiously.

"Yes? You used to be my babysitter?"

"Yeah. I remember those days of having to change your diaper and help you do your business. We were so close back then." He sighs as he thinks back to the times of when you were just a baby. Which, you have no memory of.

"I'm sorry. I still can't remember you. But I believe your words." You give out a slight smile.

"Oh, no worries. I understand. Now, I'm guessing that Nisaka was planning to walk you home..?"

"Um, actually, I live in the same neighborhood as him. Although I haven't seen you as much..." You glance at Nisaka sideways. "But seeing that you are here, I suppose you guys have some matters to talk about, so I'll just leave. It was a pleasure of meeting you, Nisaka's father."

"Oh, no. I'm just going out to do a little job so I'm not going to spend much time with Nisaka, I'm afraid. You guys walk back together. Nisaka, see you at home." Nisaka's dad strolls off and Nisaka sighs, closing his eyes for a couple of seconds.

"Let's go," he says a bit roughly.

"Oh, okay." You begin to walk again and wonder what job Nisaka's dad has. Nisaka trails behind you and you look back, asking yourself why he's not walking beside you. But you decide that it's better for you so that it's not as awkward. You start to look at the scenery around you as your legs move, but you immediately regret making that decision. This is because everywhere in your sight, there are couples. (straight couples not gay sorry lgbt;;) Question answered. Maybe if Nejima were here Nisaka would be willing to walk next to him.... (lol it's funny how u guys came here for fan service but end up getting some Nejima and Nisaka stuff I'm such a bad author)

SPEAKING OF NEJIMA you spot him looking down at his feet as he walks through the crowd of people. With his assigned wife. You can't help but feel that they're so cute together. Both shy and nervous, they fit each other's personalities perfectly. But wouldn't it hurt Nisaka to see Nejima like this?

You begin to walk off to the opposite direction of where Nejima is and as expected, Nisaka follows you. You sigh inwardly with relief until Nisaka stops walking completely. You notice and stop too, looking at him carefully.


"This isn't where we need to go. Where are you going?"

"Oh, I kind of drifted off for a second. Sorry." You chuckle as casually as possible and all of a sudden Nisaka takes the lead, walking in front of you.

Nonononononono Nejima will be clear in his sight at this point!

"Nisaka! I have to buy some water! It's getting pretty hot outside." You watch as he stops and looks back at you, frowning just a bit.

"There's a small convenience store right over there." He points to a small building that's in view and you sigh. You look as Nisaka walks again, and Nejima is almost in sight. But you snatch Nisaka's arm just in time to get him to turn around.

"Nisaka, uh, your dad. Is... coming right now." You point to the opposite direction of Nejima and Nisaka sighs loudly. Then, he forces eye contact with you.

"I'm okay. I already saw him. The best Nejima and I can be is friends. I understand that. So it's fine. Now, let's go." He grabs your hand and strides forward, leaving you as a flustered mess.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now