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"Wait! What about my name???" The brown haired friend protests loudly and you turn and rush to him, remembering.

"Ah, sorry! I forgot," you panic and he smiles.

"No worries! The name's Takeda. Well, see ya!" They leave and you sigh, face palming yourself.

So so so stupid.

They'll easily find out who you like in a blink of an eye.

Be more careful.

Time Skip:
You walk down the path of your way home and you have your phone in your palm. The screen chirps up, alerting you that a new post from a social media app came up. You distractedly continue walking, your eyes glued to the phone looking at the post. You hear light steps behind you, so you quickly glance up from your phone and look back, seeing Nisaka. Wait... Nisaka? He's on his phone too, so he doesn't notice you.

Who knew he lived in the same neighborhood as you?

You continue looking down at your phone and a laugh slips out of your mouth as you watch a funny video.

Did Nisaka hear? You don't look back behind you to see if he noticed you because it would just be awkward, so you continue walking. You tuck your phone into your backpack as you near your big house. You and your family moves a lot because of your father's job, but he makes a lot of money so it's comfortable and easy to do. Although the loss of friends isn't easy to handle. That's why your feelings for friends or crushes always end up being shallow.

"..." You blink rapidly, wondering whether or not to say goodbye to Nisaka. But then he'll know that you knew he was behind you all along even though you ignored him. Ah... next time next time. You open the door to your house and announce that you're here to your family. You slip off your shoes before stepping inside.

"Y/N! How was school today?" Your mom asks as you enter the kitchen.

"It was normal. I got to meet new friends," you say casually.

"Good good. But remember not to get too attatched to them because we're most likely going to move again quickly."

"Yes, mother," you bow and walk out of the kitchen and up to your room. Business classes from a young age taught shallow feelings and exceptional manners. You're not that close to your mom and dad. But with your sibling... that's a story for a different day. You walk inside your room and it's spacious and wide even with your Queen sized bed and walk-in-closet. You plop onto the fluffy white sheets of your bed and settle your bag down onto the ground.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now