The Play

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I wonder if Nisaka is okay... You think to yourself as you flop onto your wide bed. Hopefully he's not taking what I said too negatively. What if he thinks of me badly?

"Sister!! Can you help me with my homework?" A light voice interrupts your deep thoughts and you crane your neck up, seeing who spoke.

"Of course," You hop out of your bed and carry your most adorable little brother up into your arms, making him giggle and wrap his arms around your neck. You walk to his room, where you set him down and begin to help with all of his homework.


"L/N-san!" Takasaki calls out to you as you walk down the hallway absentmindedly.

"L/N-san?" She calls again. After confirming that you were either deaf or ignoring her, she decides to tap your shoulder.

"Huh?" You turn to Takasaki and she smiles at you, making you break out of your web of thoughts.

"Oh, Takasaki-san," you acknowledge her presence and she nods.

"It's been a while since we last spoke." Her smile slowly fades away as you agree to her statement. "Sorry for disrupting you, but I just wanted to ask if you were going to spectate the play."

"I will. I think it'll be amazing with you and Nisaka as the lead actors." You smile assuringly and then turn to continue walking, trying to keep the conversation polite but short. She seems to notice, but doesn't say anything as you leave her sight.

She softly sighs and turns around to walk the other way, believing that she did something to make you act this way.


You quietly hum a tune you enjoy as you prepare the outfit you're going to wear for the play you and your classmates have prepared so hard for. Your top is a laced blue blouse and for the bottom is skinny denim jeans. You quickly grab a white purse and strap it over your shoulder, putting a couple of dollars and your phone inside. Exiting your room, you announce to your mom that you're leaving. She acknowledges you and you start to head downstairs to leave your house, but suddenly a small hand grabs your own. You turn back to see Genjiro staring up at you.

"Did you need something?" You ask with a smile.

"Can I go..?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Er... but you have to finish your homework." You stare at him with a worried face.

"Y- You don't want me to go? Am I embarrassing to you?" His lip quivers, warning you of the flood of salty water about to cascade down his eyes.

"Ah, no! Genjiro, go ask Mom first, okay?" You crouch down to his height and cup his face with your hands. With your thumbs, you wipe some drops of tears that have escaped and smooch his fluffy hair.

"Okay!" His face expression suddenly changes and he runs off to his mother. You wait patiently and turn your phone on to see the time. You note that you only have 8 minutes left as your little brother comes bouncing back to you with a goofy grin and you return his smile.

"She said yes!"

"Yay! Let's get you a jacket before we go out." You quickly walk to your brother's room to obtain a very small sized gray jacket and place it on him. "Now we can go!" You pick him up into your arms and slip on your strapped sandals. Finally, you open the door and remember to grab a key before heading out.


"Waaaa! Your school is so big, Sister!" Genjiro gasps in awe as you walk past the entrance gates of the school.

"Do you want to have a big school too?" You ask as he squirms in your arms to turn his head and take in the sight.


You chuckle. "Don't worry. You'll come to one of these schools soon enough." You set him down on the ground and hold his hand tightly as the two of you walk together. It's a bit early because you have 4 minutes left, but that's fine. You immediately spot a small crowd as you continue to walk. Takasaki is smack in the middle and you see her beautiful costume. For a second, you consider walking over and joining the group, but you shake that thought out of your head. You start to walk past until a familiar voice calls your name. You turn to see Takasaki and all the rest of the girls surrounding her staring at you.

"Ah, Takasaki-san." You smile weakly as you pick up Genjiro again and walk over. "You look stunning in that costume! I'm sure you'll do well."

"Ah, thanks! Is that your little brother? He's so cute!" She laughs and smiles at Genjiro as he hides his face into your chest.

"Aha, yeah. Genjiro, say hi!" You say to him and he does so, staring at them in curiousity.

"H-Hello," his voice squeaks softly.

"Awww!" Everyone squeals at his adorable reply and they start bombarding questions to you about him. One even attempts to touch him, but you politely tell them to stop.

"Sorry, he's just a bit shy. I think he can't handle all of you at once." You look at them with an apologetic smile and they nod, understanding. "Oh, Takasaki-san! I think you should go now." You quickly remind her.

"Oh, yeah! I have to go guys," she waves as she runs off inside the building. You quickly slip away from the group and look down at your blushing brother who's still hiding his face into your shirt.

"Genjiro, why are you shy?" You teasingly ask and he looks at you.

"They're so tall..." He squeaks.

You giggle at his cuteness. "But usually you're not this shy."

"..." He leans the side of his head against your chest as you start to walk into the auditorium of where the play is to be shown. Claiming a seat for yourself and setting down your brother onto another next to you, you look around to see the wide and thick velvet curtains covering the backstage. You notice that Nejima is sitting a row in front of you to your right and see the girls from earlier in a group near him. Suddenly feeling something a bit heavy on your legs, you look down to see your brother on your lap. You slightly laugh at his behavior but then become silent as the curtains open, revealing Takasaki in the middle with a golden light accentuating her presence. The play begins. Throughout the play, passion soaks each of Takasaki and Nisaka's words. You end up getting watery eyes from their beautiful acting, and at the end, you clap while tears pave their way across your cheeks. Genjiro clumsily wipes your tears away with the palms of his hands and looks as if he's about to cry too.

"Sister, don't cry!" He yelps and you laugh through your tears.

"Silly, I'm crying because of the story. Don't worry about me." You pick him up off your lap and stand up, leaving the room quietly as everyone continues to clap and whistle for the actors.

"Did you have fun today Genjiro?" You ask as you two walk home.

"Yes! But I'm sorry you cried." He replies.

"You don't have to apologize, Genjiro. They were happy tears." You explain.


SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE I promise I'll add anotha one this week— but then again I might not;) welp I already made this one long pls don't be mad at me;-;

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now