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After watching the new ep... I literally just smashed my face into my pillow bc... NISAKA LOOKS SO GUCCI WITH THAT JULIET COSTUME HELP PLS LOLOLOL ok so that ep wasn't recent but I was busy so... ANYWAYS kinda going through AB(author'sblock) so sry bout that and.........
pls enjoy..? (=゚ω゚)ノ

You walk down the street, secretly looking for Nisaka. There he is, walking behind you with his bag hanging on his shoulder. Well... that's good right? But why do you feel so.....
"Disappointed?" You mutter quietly.

"L/N, do you usually talk to yourself?" Nisaka smirks behind you and you look back, a bit taken back.

"Does it matter to you?" You quickly ask. Crap, that was kinda rude.

"I guess not," he shrugs and goes back to being silent. This is necessary. This is normal. This is how it's supposed to be. So why...?!

You hurriedly walk faster and Nisaka notices, but doesn't say anything. You rush home and once you enter inside and close the door, you sigh in relief before you announce that you're back home.

"You're back! Come, help your brother with his homework!" Your mother calls out and you slip off your shoes before heading into your brother's room.

"Genjiro, did you need help with your homework?" You poke your head into the room and your brother looks up at you from a piece of paper.

"No, I just solved it. If I need help I'll call you back." He smiles adorably and you walk over to him, kissing his hair and then ruffling it.

"You're soooo adorable!" You squeeze him in your arms and he hugs you back. This little... BODY OF ADORABLENESS!!! He'll be so popular with the girls as he grows up.

"Just call me!" You get off him and you notice him pout a little.

"Thank you!" He grins and you nod and leave his room.

"Time for homework..." you grumble to yourself and you drag yourself into your room, setting down your bag onto the floor.

"Y/N! The maid's not here today, she had something to do, so clean your room, alright?" Your mother yells from downstairs for you to hear.

"Yes mother!" You yell back.

Adding cleaning to your pile of homework... you better work fast. You quickly clean your room, straightening your trophies of (favorite activity/sport). Your room was relatively tidy, it was just a little things were crooked. You lifted one of your biggest trophies and then spot a crushed white daisy.

"What," you pick it up and then set the trophy back down, "is this?"

This is so old.... The hard petals crack and fall and you  slightly tilt your head, wondering why that was there.

"That's weird..." you say before a sudden memory flashes through your mind.

"Lilina! What are you doing?" Your clumsy three year old self asks a pink haired girl.

"Here! A daisy! One for you and one for me!" The cute four year old hands you a little white daisy that looks like the fluffy clouds above. "These were the only perfect ones! And there was two! That mist have been made for specifically us two."

You stare at the daisy with your hand clenched over the thin green stem and then look up at the clouds, pointing above with your other hand.

"They look similar!" Is the only thing you say and Lilina nods.

"Keep this safe, okay?"

"Sis! Can you help me with this one!" Genjiro calls and you snap out of your flashback, a bit surprised and then set the daisy on a tissue.

"Coming!" You reply and then you leave the room, the daisy broken and grayed in to the clean white tissue.

Koi To Uso Yuusuke Nisaka x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now