Chapter 1

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Vlad's POV

"PAPAAAAA! Look at what Adrian did!" Darren cried at my feet, with his fingers gesturing at his toy car. It was bent. A total 90 degrees bent. "It must have been Darconis. Adrian won't do that. He's... Nice," I shrugged. "DARCONIS!" I yelled out.
Draconis came down in haste. He never made me wait. "Yes, papa?" And he have manners.

"Why did you did that to Darren's toy?" I showed him the toy. "No! Papaaa! It wasn't Darconis! It's Adrian!!!" Darren wiped his tears on my jeans. Darconis stiffened. His eyes wide opened. "See, it's Darconis! He didn't deny!" I patted Darren's head. I was too focused on Darren that I probably missed how Darconis tried to shook his head but he can not. "Darconis, you won't have dessert for tonight. And Darren, we'll get you a new toy later ok? And don't accuse someone who didn't do it," I hit his nose softly with my index finger. He sniffled.

Then a four year old Adrian flew sleepily to me. He always does that. He will use his wings to go somewhere if he is sleepy or just plain lazy. I grabbed him and he snuggled against my chest, slowly drifting to sleep. Darconis looked at Adrian with wide eyes. I don't know why sometimes the boys would accused Adrian of doing something bad. Adrian would not even hit a fly. Benedict loves him. And I trust his judgment. The kid is 8 years old and he talked like a 100 years old vampire. And his feature is flawless. Chiseled face, blond wavy hair and big blue eyes. Oh my god, I could have died every time I see him. And we found out he have a British accent. Recently. Since he didn't talk till he is 7 years old. I thought he was mute too but klaus said he just refused to talk probably because something happened in the past.

"Benedict," I called out softly. "Yes, father?" Benedict is the only child that called me father. I passed him Adrian. "Go put him on his bed, please," I smiled and he nodded. I wish ALL of my kids are like him. Darren and Derek were hell for me. Their elvish power and their naughtiness! I caught Derek throwing a knife at Darren. And sometimes at Darconis too. Benedict would be the one to caught it since he was really really fast. Like amazingly fast. I was totally amazed.

At 8 years old, I taught them how to defend themselves. Probably that was why Derek had a pretty good aim. Got scolded by Skylar because of that. Jason was a darling. Probably because he spent more time with Max than Maddox. He would cry every time Maddox took care of him. The obvious reason would be because Maddox would bully him and made him cry all the time, so his son lost his trust on his dad.

Surprisingly, Jack, Charles's son, was on the naughty list. He always bullied the others and Henri along with the Blondies. The elves were a bad influenced on others. But hey, they were just kids being kids. They started school last year too. But Benedict and Henri started earlier since they were older. They were the brightest students in the school but unfortunately, the twins and Darconis and Jack always made trouble at school. Jason was, being Jason. He was a quiet kid and cool kid. He have this mysterious aura around him. Maybe he followed Benedict.

Few hours later, Skylar approached me. He bent down and whispered," where the fuck is Adrian?" He gritted his teeth. I slowly folded my newspaper and put it on the table. " I thought he's in his room?" I whispered back. "No, he's not in his room. I lost trace of his scent at the back door. And into the forest. I have a bad feelings about this, Vlad. Do. Something," Skylar commanded.

I got up and went to the back door. I took a whiff and I did smelt something different. Maybe Skylar smelt it too but he was probably denying it. Because I fucking smelt Mikayla. I did not said that to Skylar. He will shift. "Don't worry, he'll be back in few minutes. I've seen in going in and out of the forest harmless," I squeezed his shoulders.

In the few years, Skylar had grown into a fine man. He was taller and more slender. And his buttocks were firmer. Hoorah for me. And he can control his wolf more. But his heat comes every month. His heats were the best of time. The things he would do for me! And it was our alone time. A week of no kids!

And I've also started cooking. Only for Skylar and my kids. And I was on the groceries duties. They don't send the newborns anymore. I was sent there along with my kids and few others newborns. Only I know what's best for Faes and Elves. They have a pretty different diet. They eat raw meat, stuffed with herbs.

"Kids, lets play outside. Shift!" I yelled out. All of the kids including Jason, Jack and Henri joined. I would play with their other selves too. The kids shifted. The twins' ears grew pointy, and their eyes turned all black while Darconis had the same thing and wings out. And I love how Benedict would shift. He was so elegant and magestic. He purred at I scratched under his jaw. Then the others attack for affection. I threw the special ball I made for them. Even if they bite or scratch, if would not blew. And u also have a titanium ball for them to play catch.

"VLADIMIR CHELKOV ALEXIS! MY BABY IS OUT THERE, MISSING, AND YOU'RE PLAYING CATCH WITH THE CUBS?!" Skylar roared making the cubs whimpered and hid behind me, shaking. I have no fucking idea where he knew my full name. The kids didn't know Adrian was missing. But now they know. I gave a silent applause to Skylar.

I gestured at an omega to take the kids away. "Don't worry, Adrian's fine. I've attached his life line to me. His emotion, his pain, I know them all. And obviously he's not even afraid right now. He's feeling more like, amused and curious. So whoever took him, will be dead in a second," I said and smiled. "And why is that? Adrian's going to kill them? For fuck's sake, he's 4 years old!!" Skylar screamed. Wow he sure did screamed a lot when he's panicked.

"Skylar, he's 4. No, it's because I just found out where the fuck that bitch Mikayla is," I gritted my teeth. "Motherfucker!" Skylar threw his toolbox on the ground in anger. Mikayla had been seen to be around the territory but none seemed to be able to track her. She was good. And then today, our little Addie decided to take a detour in the woods which he was forbiddened to go into, and got kidnapped by her. And some other werewolves.

And now, we're taking back what's ours. Wait for daddies, Adrian.


Adrian's POV

"Why's the kid not afraid?" The female asked the big werewolf. "I don't know. Probably he's used to being kidnapped. Or he's just plain stupid," the werewolf laughed while smoking. I just smiled at them. These people were the most degrading bunch of people I've ever met. I could escape anytime to be honest, but I was curious. Who was this lady? What did she want with Papa and Adda? And why does she smelled familiar?

"Mikayla, what're you going to do with him?" The werewolf asked. "I'm handing him to the Shadows. They'll like him if they knew who this kid belong to," she smiled evilly and smacked the back of my head. I scowled.

Be prepared. My papa's coming. You're lucky I'm not the one to kill you. Killing is easy. It's all about how you are killed. That's a fun ride. Let's not let people know about us yet.


Yes, us. All three of us.

Ok, Addie.
Guys. Like seriously, leave a comment coz I like emmmmm and don't forget To vote! I hope you guys like this chapter!!! :D

And yes Adrian have split personalities.

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