Ch 16 - Happy Birthday Adrian

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The day had come by as a fast as a blink. It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm already feeling the pull. Shit, I can't let the pull over power me. Or others will make use of it. I know, they will try to manipulate me. I'm prepared for that. But I'm not prepared to be with that one and only. When I know, he's not going to love me back.

It's not love what I'm looking for. I got all the love I have. But not Marco and Andy. They can't fight their instinct. And so am I. Why is this happening to me?!

I didn't realized I was hurting AJ while thinking of my fate. "Adrian stop!" She gasped. I stopped. She looked at me. "Is something wrong?" She asked. Yeah. She changed. She realized her mistakes and she became better. I shook my head as a sign there were nothing for her to worry about.

My dick deflated.

I just looked at my limp dick. My eyes were big in shock. That did not just happened! That fucking did not just happened. I looked at the clock. Fuck! It's midnight!

Jay jay jay jay. Mate mate mate. Mark mark mark.

Both of Marco and Andy were chanting the same thing over and over till I had to grab my things and ran through the window as fast as I can. I ran and ran till I reached the familiar forest. I ran to the lake, where Adda and Papa mated. My body started to morph. It was harder for me because Marco and Andy were fighting on what to come out. Wolf or vampire. This will actually be the first time I change into what I really am.

I felt my shoulder blades burning. I clawed at my skin, drawing bloods. Fuck it burrnnnsss!! My face break and mend its bones into a new structure, forming a snout and hairs grew on my face, my arms till the elbow and my legs till below the knees. Tail elongated from my tailbone. I grew bigger, taller. As I clawed my back deeper, I felt bones emerging from my back, further and further and opened, to form a wing. I groaned from the pain of first time having my wings out after 5 years old.

Yeah, I used to use my wings all the time when I was a kid. But they stopped working when I reached 6 years old. It felt like I'm free again. I had a face of a wolf but I stand tall as a man. I howled into the night. The moon shine bright as if spotlighting me. Then I heard rustles and steps from around me.

The smells were familiars. Adda appeared as his magnificent self, the Black Wolf. And the others appeared as what they are too. Except for Papa, he's too fucking scary as his vampire. I went down on my knees and Adda nuzzled me. I nuzzled him back. 'Happy birthday' he said. I licked his face as a thank you.

Benedict was huge and long as a snow leopard, he scared me sometimes. All of them, Adam, the twins, Darconis, and Benny went to circle me and started licking my face. They pushed me down on my back and started jumping and tackling me, playfully. Then I stick my snout out and howled. The others followed and ended with Adda howling.

We went around for a hunt for few hours. Just to kill the urge. We caught a wild boar and ate it raw. We went back home when the sun rised. I went into the pool and soaked myself in it. Everyone else did the same to wash out the dirt and blood. We always do that whenever we went hunting, then the omegas or betas cleaned out the pool and refilled it.

We went to bed after we cleaned ourselves. I went to Adam's room to sleep. It's been awhile.


The next day was a bit worst. I can't get out of the house at all. Because I still can't control myself. I snarled, growled and even tried to bit anyone who came near me. All I wanted was Jay. Yes, Jay. I'm young so I didn't know how to control this urge.

Adda went inside the room. I cowered to the corner as I felt his Alpha presence. He came in as a Alpha, not as my mom. He knelt infront of me. "You have to control yourself, Addie. Now's not the time to go after the boy. I had my urge at 18 when I first met your father. But, seriously, don't tell this to your father or I swear I'll choke you, I.. I was the submissive. I can't control when Vlad was the one who was making the move. But you're the dominant one. And you're your father's son. He had an awesome control for centuries. So keep your head straight," Adda cupped my face.

I closed my eyes and tried to control Marco and Andy. I surppressed their powers a little deeper. My eyes turned red, my nails retracted, so did my fangs. But the ears and tail stayed. And the wings. I let a deep breath out. I stare back at Adda. I nuzzled his hand. "Good job," Adda smiled.

Everybody was asleep by this time. I sniffed a faint scent of Jay around my room. I searched for the scent. I looked into my bag and found Jay's necklace inside. He must have dropped it. I took a good sniff at it. Hmmmm, that calmed Marco and Andy.

It's not enough.

We want more of him Addie!

Without thinking, which I really should have done, I climbed out of the window. There was a trail of Jay's scent. I followed the smell. I flew into town and at the end of it, there was an old factory. A small house infront it. But it was not old. It looked moderate.

I heard noises coming from the factory. I peaked from the outside through the broken windows. There I saw Jay chained to the walls while others surrounded him. He tried to struggle but it was of no use. "MOMMM!!!! STOPPP ITTT!" He screamed. It looked like he was struggling with himself. "Joan, do it," another voice spoke through Jay's mouth. I had to control myself from leaping to save my mate.

A female, Joan I think, came forward with a dead body. Wait, that person is still alive! But she was paralyzed. Her eyes moved rapidly in panic. "Mom, please... No more lives... This is pointless mom," Jay pleaded. Joan slapped Jay, drawing blood from lips. Jay looked at Joan in anger. "You are going to pay back, Joan! For what you did to my life!" Jay spat.

Joan just snickered. "Cute. You can't even touch me. You were just a tool for Melissa," Joan said. She crouched down and the others did the same. I can't go in now. There were too many of them. Joan pulled out a dagger and began to chant some words. She slit the victim's throat and the other continued chanting.

Then Jay screamed. He looked like his body was burning. Then he suddenly stopped. His body slumped in tiredness. The slit on the victim's throat began to heal itself. Her feature began to change. Hair longer, nose sharper and crimson eyes. She stood up and smiled.

"I'm back."

Here's an update for you people! :) hope you enjoy it! Tell me what you think of the story so far? Good? Want something to change? Got any opinion? I'm open :D.

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