Chapter Ten

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Sam's POV

A few minutes after Chloe went upstairs I went to her room to make sure she was asleep "Chloe? Harry Styles just tweeted me saying he loves you" I whispered, seeing as she didn't jump me looking for her phone she's defiantly asleep. I shut her door and called Kian telling him to bring the cake, decorations and everyone else. Not long after, he knocked on the door with Emily, Ricky, Jc, Connor, Joanna who I called earlier from Chloe's phone and Trevor "Come in and don't make a sound she's a light sleeper" I whispered to them, we decorated the living room, put the cake in the fridge, blew up a few balloons and put our presents by the TV. When we were nearly done Mum and Dad came through the door

"Hey is she asleep?" Dad asked

"Yeah oh and I have to tell you something" I explained to them how Chloe fell down skateboarding earlier today and got stitches

"Oh god Sam! Why didn't you call us!" dad said a bit angry yet worried

"Chloe didn't want to she said you guys were working and didn't want to disturb you" I said

"Alright we got the presents, snacks and drinks" Mum handed them out

"I'll go check on her" Kian said

*Kian's POV*

I went up to Chloe's room to check if she was awake I knocked lightly on the door and opened it. Chloe was sound asleep in her bed, her forehead was still bleeding a bit but she looked so peaceful and beautiful I sat on the floor next to her bed placing my face close to hers.... She looked so beautiful, I was about to get up and leave but before I left I gave her a peck on the lips and left. "Yeah she's sound asleep" I told them

"Alright we'll turn the lights off and Emily you ring her phone on private and when she answers turn off, knowing Chloe she will come downstairs straight after to get food or something" Ricky said laughing. We hid behind the couch and some of us behind the door and waited for Emily to call Chloe.

*Chloe's POV*

They were grabbing me and dragging me down the dark road, I kept screaming to get away from them but no sound came out and I started panicking, they threw me down a hole and before I was about to hit the floor when my phone rang "Ah" I screamed lightly, oh I was asleep, thank God. An unknown number? "hel-" whoever it was ended the call "Ugh" I went to my bathroom and threw water in my face completely forgetting the cuts "agh" I winced at the shooting pain. I walked down the stairs to get some new bandages "Why the hell is it so dark in here?" I asked myself. As I was about to turn on the lights they turned on by it self revealing the living room all decorated and everyone jumping from random places

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE" it was Ricky, Sam, Trevor, Kian, Jc, Connor, Emily, mum, dad and even Joanna

"OH MY GOD GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH" I screamed jumping up and down "I thought you guys forgot it was my birthday"

"How can we forget C" Kian said pulling me in for a hug

I hugged everyone and they each gave me a present. First Emily, I opened a small box, and there was a gold necklace with half of a heart "aw Emily it's beautiful, where's the other half?" I asked and she pulled her necklace the same as mine with the other half of the heart, I connected them and it said 'MMXII', 2012 the year we went on hoiday together for the first time "EMILY I LOVE IT" I hugged her

"MY TURN" Trevor said handing me a shoe box, it was a galaxy vans "Thank you Trev" I hugged him

Then Jc, A beautiful top, and a phone case with a cloud on it, then Ricky handing me a cute, huge picachu, Connor gave me a flower crown, shorts and a top. Then Sam he gave me a photo album filled with pictures of us, then Kian he gave me the most beautiful heart necklace ever and a brand new penny board since mine broke from the fall today, Joanna gave me a really nice top. I thanked everyone "Honey were not done yet" my mum said laughing, she gave me a huge heavy box and a photo album filled with pictures of me, my family and the boys that we took and trust me there was a lot!! I unwrapped the box and it was a Apple Mac Pro

I gasped "OH MY GOD THANK YOU MUM, DAD" I screamed and hugged them as my little sister Lillie jumped on my back. After hours of partying and talking we got a bit tired

"Hey it's pretty late so I'm gonna get going" Ricky said standing up

"I'll drive you home" Sam offered

"I'm gonna get going too" Emily said

"Need a ride?" Connor asked her, she smiled and nodded

Joanna said she was going "do you need a ride home?" Sam asked 

"No it's fine my parents are outside, happy birthday Chloe" she gave me a hug and left.

They all left and it was just me, Jc , Trevor and Kian

"Well I'm going too Trev you coming?" Jc asked, Trevor nodded

"Bye Chloe happy birthday" Trevor said walking out... now it's just me and Kian.

"Thank you for the board, and the necklace I loved it" I said breaking the silence

"No worries, are you ok?" he asked, I nodded. We talked for a while, and I felt closer to him by each second, he kept looking at me and smiling.

"Who had the stupid idea to be so rude to me for the past few days" I asked

"Well I had to think of a way for you not to think we were up to something" Kian said laughing

"I know but it got annoying, I literally felt terrible, everyone was being so blunt and rude" I shrugged

"I know but it was funny" Kian was still laughing as if it was a joke

"It wasn't funny Kian I thought you guys were mad at me" I moved away a bit

"Yeah but it was fun, the way you would be trying to talk like a lost puppy " he was still laughing

"Whatever" I said standing up

"Wait Chloe come on I'm sorry" I didn't even look back, he thought it was some kind of joke, it was really annoying I felt like I done something bad. I began walking to my room but before I even left the living room I was pushed onto the wall.

"Chloe" Kian whispered I rolled my eyes avoiding eye contact with him "Why are you so difficult?" He chuckled

I raised my eyebrows slightly hurt from his comment, does he think this is a joke or something "Because I like you Kian! ok there I said it I like you, and it's hard when you really like someone and they completely ignore you, I couldn't stop thinking about you.... is that what you wanted to he-" I was interrupted by Kian's lips touching mine. He slowly pulled away and smiled "Oh" was all i could say 

"I really like you too" he whispered


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And As always



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