Chapter 13

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I woke up with my mum knocking on the door "Chloe i completely forgot we have to go get your stitches off today" 

I rolled my eyes "Alright coming" I know i'm being bitchy, but i KNOW my parents are hiding something... since the cut wasn't so bad I didn't have to wait long to remove them. I went to wardrobe, put on a white top and a skirt that had pink flowery frills, white gladiator sandals, a bunch of bracelets and midi rings. I brushed my hair down and put on the flower crown Connor gave me, put on mascara, red lipgloss and was done. I went downstairs, grabbed a bowl, milk and coco pops

"Hun i can make you some breakfast if you want?" My mum said 

"I'm fine" I poured the cereal and walked past my mum with out even looking at her, I sat on the couch 

"Honey?" My dad walked in "Are you okay?" i just nodded. 

"you look very pretty today" my mum said sitting next to me

"Thanks" i said smiling at her. Someone knocked on the door, my dad got up and went to open it 

"Hey you two, come on in" i heard him say, It was Emily and Kian.

"Hey" They said together

 "HEY" I smiled "what you two doing here?" 

"I was walking to your house and saw Kian and i guess he was doing the same" Emily said laughing.

"I'm getting my stitches off today s-" my mum cut me off 

"They can come too if you're nervous" I looked at them and just nodded

"Yeah, is it just us three?" Kian asked

"Yes they're going to work" i said in a serious tone

"Actually i'm taking the day off so i'll be going too" she smiled

"Uhm Chloe could i talk to you for a second?" Kian said dragging me into the kitchen "Chloe why are you being so rude to your mum" Kian asked 

"They're hiding something from me ok!" I snapped, Emily looked at Kian and I confused, I explained to her what was going on 

"Chlo i'm sure the woman was drunk and i'm sure Sam just came home late, he always does" She said hugging me i just nodded and we walked to the car, we dropped Sam off at Jc's

"Bye have fun, and BE home before 11"

"Bye Mum, bye guys" Sam said walking out, we all waved and drove to the hospital.


"Chloe NO WAY!!!" Emily argued back locking herself inside my bathroom

"COME ON EMILY YOU'RE A GREAT SINGER PLEASE!!!" I begged her to sing with me for a new video. 


"Come on Emily i'm sure you're amazing!" Kian said helping me

"NOPE" she yelled, after 5 minutes of begging and begging she finally gave in "FINE!!!"

I screamed in excitement "Alright should we do... Oh skyscrsper" i suggested, Emily and Kian agreed, we went to the garden , we set up the lights, camera as Kian counted to 3 and pressed record.


"So what should we do now?" Kian asked, i was about to speak as my mum called me. Kian, Emily and I went to the door where my mum was standing with Jc and Connor "Hey what you guys doing here? I thought Sam was with you?" I asked them

"Yeah that's what i thought too" my mum said looking back at Jc

"Uhm y-yeah h- he wen-went to get ice cream and told us to m-meet hi-m b back here" Connor said obviously covering up for Sam

"Oh okay come on in guys" my mum sighed in relief

We all walked outside "Connor where's Sam?" Kian asked

"I have no idea, he never said he was meeting us, i just said that so Chloe's mum wouldn't freak out" Connor said 

"wait so he wasn't planning to meet you guys?" i asked, Jc and Connor shook their heads. I called Sam's phone "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" i yelled as soon as he picked up

"Woah chill, i'm out where i tol-"

"who are you with then" I interrupted him

"Jc and Connor duh" He laughed

"Oh that's hilarious hold on" I gave Connor the phone 

"Uhm Sam where are you bro?" 

"CONNOR?! I'm out look i'll be home soon" He quickly hung up and we just groaned.



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Thanks for reading (this boring chapter i know) but thanks and AS ALWAYS



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