Chapter 49

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*Jc's POV*

I woke up to the beeping sound of the heart monitor, struggling to open my eyes I was blinded by the bright lights.
I looked around the empty hospital room feeling weak and tired, I closed my eyes hoping to go back to sleep until I heard a clinking sound. I quickly opened my eyes to see a girl in front of my bed looking at a few papers, her back was facing me, her long blonde hair was curled which looked familiar, she was wearing candy stripe clothing and knee high socks "Uhm hi" i managed to say, she slowly turned around taking my breath away

"Jc I'm so happy to see you" her soothing voice echoed throughout the room

"Chloe" I tried to sit up but i was still dizzy so I just stayed down "you're alive?!" After she stayed silent I decided to ask another question "how?"

"It's horrible isn't it?" she asked looking around before I could ask what, she spoke again "this place bores me, I mean they didn't even give you a room with a TV"

"How.... how are you... they said you were..."

"Dead? Yeah" she laughed a bit "I heard but here I am" she lifted her eyebrows and threw her arms up giggling straight after

"What happened to you?" I asked

She sighed "Have you noticed that the lighting in this room seems yellow?"

"Chloe seriously what happened to you? Where have you been?"

"It's complicated" she looked down "she thinks she can win him"

"Who?" I asked

"How are you feeling?" she walked towards the window

"Fine look Chloe they said they found your body so how are you here?"

"I had to see you, I was so scared you were dead Jc, when I heard about the fire I had to get out and see you." she sat at the end of my bed

"But you were dead?" I asked confused, they told me I know they did "are you... are you a ghost?"

She snorted at my dumb question "do I look dead?" she reached her hands to mine "I'm pretty sure I'm alive Jc" she chuckled

"Jack's dead Chlo you can come home now" I said excited but she remained quiet, upset even "wha-what's wrong?"

she shook her head still smiling at me"I can't go back"

"But he's dead!" i informed

"I know and I'm so happy but it's not safe yet"

"why not?"

"It's not just me and Jack anymore, there's other people involved and some of them are you guys" she stood up and started writing on a yellow piece of paper

"But we can help you please Chloe just come home your family and friends miss you"

"And I miss you guys too but... I'm sorry" she smiled

"But who else? Who else is after you?"

"You should sleep" she walked closer to me and pulled the covers over me "I missed you guys" she gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked towards a chair and sat down "go on, you can sleep" she picked up a magazine and started humming lullaby. Feeling extremely tired I closed my eyes and fell asleep listening to her hums fade each second.



I slowly opened my eyes looking around the empty room again. There was a radio next to me, I shifted my head closer to hear what was quietly playing, it was a piano playing lullaby a chill went down my spine as I felt myself go pale "what the hell?" I whispered quietly.
Struggling I got up and walking to the chair 'Chloe' was sitting on, the magazine was there so why where was she?

"Mr Caylen you're not suppose to be out of your bed" A nurse came in holding piles of paper

"Sorry" I mumbled sitting back down "uh did anyone else come in here while I was asleep?"

"Not that I'm aware of, why? Did something happen?" she asked reading the papers

"No" I quickly said "so when I'm allowed to go home?"

"Now, I'm just checking a few things. Do you feel dizzy?"
I shook my head
"Pain? Or do you have anything else you wanna talk about " I shook it again "then I guess you may go" she walked to the chair and picked up the magazine Chloe was reading and placed it on a table in front of my bed "your friends are outside waiting for you and they bought you clothes which are on that desk" she pointed "I'll leave you to get ready" she smiled before walking out and closing the door
After changing into my normal clothing I looked for my bandana which I saw a while ago, this desk had a few magazines and papers

"Ah" I pulled my bandana from under the magazine and a little paper fell down to my feet. I picked it up and unfolded it "Oh my god" I whispered, this is the paper Chloe was writing on and this is her handwriting. "So she was here?" I asked myself "but" i rubbed my eyes over and over trying to make sense of all of this

"Yo Justina" I turned my head smiling but my smile faded once I saw it wasn't Chloe it was just Connor

"hi" I mumbled picking up the note and sliding it into my pockets "Is she really dead?" I asked

He looked down and nodded "I mean they found a body and it's sorta you know burnt making it hard to tell but-"

"But they haven't done the DNA tests yet??" I asked

"I'm not sure Jc lets just get out of here we can talk about it when we're home everyone's there waiting for you" he smiled

"Everyone except chloe" I whispered


Yooooo dude that was a shit chapter dudeeee

Yes I know

I suck

Big time

But that was just a filler chapter YA know, to fill YAAAAALLL in.... Well yeah sorry okay that's all I have to say


it's not. Have you checked out my new Luke Hemmings fanfic? Oh you haven't? POo im judging you soo badly right now I suggest you go check it out otherwise I'll ... ill ... I'll be very upset so go check it out its called 'Change can be amazing' it's hella clever I know. JK

Okay love you ex oh ex oh gossip ana x


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