What comes next

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2 months later;

"Chloe Lee Anne everybody" Ellen spoke to the crowd as they burst out in cheers, I walked out feeling slightly uncomfortable but managed to make it less noticeable, Ellen gave me a friendly hug and motioned me to sat down, I looked at the crowd filled with banners, pictures and fans with shirts with my name on it "Chloe, how are you?"

"I'm good, excited to be here it's been a dream for years" I smiled

"How does it feel to be back? Free from everything?" She asked

I breathed out then spoke "Well... It feels great to be out and finally stop worrying about being on my own"

"And to be back? Now with your fans-" she was interrupted by the crowd cheering again, I smiled shyly "-as you can see adore you, but you still deal with a lot of hate don't you?"

"Yeah" I laughed slightly "i love being able to connect with my fans, I love seeing all the fan pages, everything they send me because they're so supportive" they all cheered again "but hate is something that's always going to go on you know" she nodded in agreement, rolled her eyes then laughed "yeah I still do get a lot of tweets saying that they wish I was dead but I just brush it off... I mean, all the hate is a really small seed compared to how much support I get from my family and the fans" I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah as we can see love is a lot bigger than hate" she smiled "do you ever think about those months? Anything you would change about how you reacted to everything?"

"I have nightmares quite often" I laughed "I don't deal with nightmares really well, I usually go into my little sister Lillie's room and just lie down with her, she has nightmares about me leaving again so she comes into my room quite a lot, so does my mum" Ellen let out a loud 'aww' "yeah it's pretty cute, and I wish I had told the police maybe everything could've been a lot different"

"Yes I'm sure it could've" she took a sip from her drink "you still go on tours right?"

"I have only been on one since everything happened, my mum doesn't want me to go many places but were actually going Digifest in two weeks, all around the US so make sure you get your tickets" I smiled

"And YouTube?" She asked

"It was a bit of a hard decision for the guys but once I wasn't here they stopped doing the channel together as you all know, and we've been getting a lot of question asking if we're gonna carry it on now but we won't" I heard a few people moan sadly "I know sorry, but it's just because we're all doing different things now, but that doesn't mean we're not friends, they still all live together, but we're still all closer than before and we are still going to do YouTube videos but just not as much" I said all at once

"Well that's understandable" she smiled "so we have a few gifts for you" a man came in holding a few bags "most are from your fans and there's one here from us" another man came in with a large box, she motioned for me to open and after a few struggles I opened it I gasped loudly "oo I think she likes it" Ellen laughed

"Oh my god it's beautiful" I picked up the black and white electric guitar "is this Ed Sheeran's signature?" I yelled

"Yes it is" she smiled widely "why don't you give the guitar a try?" And I nodded "now we all miss listening to this beautiful voice don't we?" And the whole crowd cheered again "let's hear it for Chloe" I stood up and walked to the microphone they set up holding the guitar and smiled, two man came in and plugged it in then handed me a red pick. I took it as they fixed the microphone to my height

"Alright let's go" I said onto the microphone and nodded to the drummer behind me and the bassist as well and the drummer counted down

"La da da la da da da da
La da da la da da da da

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