Chapter 61 (Last Chapter?!)

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"Chloe hurry hurry!!!" My mum yelled loudly "they will be here in like one minute"

"Ok!! I'm just putting my shoes on, Kian does this look ok?" I asked, he looked at my pink flowy skirt, white top and my white heels

"Yeah you look beautiful" he said not taking his eyes off me

"And my make up? Does it look too dark? I don't want them to think I became a rock girl throughout the past 6 mon-"

"Chloe" Kian walked up to me "you look perfect okay? And well at least now we have the same nose piercing" he poked my nose and kissed me

"Honey?" My mum interrupted, I pulled away and faced her "they're outside" we all walked downstairs and the door bell rang "okay stay in the kitchen until I call you" I nodded and walked to the kitchen with Kian.
Seconds later I heard the door open followed by voices greeting each other, my heart skipped a beat as I heard the familiar voice I never thought I would hear again "Come in we have something very important to tell you" I heard them all walk to the living room, I held Kian's hands as tight as I could and waited

"Okay so please do not freak out" my dad began "but it's true, and we will explain everything" Kian nodded and we walked to the living room

"What's going on?" My grandma asked, once Kian and I walked in she turned to me along with my uncle, my auntie, Chris and my grandad and they all remained there with the same expression; confused but happy.

"Hello" I said quietly and smiled

"Chloe?" My grandma asked getting up

"Hi mamaw" I breathed out, she walked to me and touched my cheeks

"It's really you" she hugged me, then the others hugged me as well except for Chris,

I turned to him and he was just smiling "you're okay" I hugged him really tight "I'm so sorry Chris I'm so so so sorry" after everyone calmed down we sat down and my dad started explaining

"Chloe has been alive for the past 6 months..."

"That pie was amazing" I told my grandma as we put the dishes away "I never thought I'd eat your food again"

"You lost a lot of weight honey" she poked my rib then her eyes filled with tears "they weren't feeding you?"

I looked down and held her hand "it's in the past" we hugged and she walked away. Chris and Kian came in, Kian filled his cup with orange juice and Chris sat on the counter "have they found out who's body it is yet?" I asked quietly so the grown ups wouldn't hear

Chris shook his head "I wonder who it is"

"Don't you think it's weird that there was someone at the woods at the same time as Jc and I? Someone that could possibly pass as my twin?" I asked

"It is pretty weird" Kian spoke up

"Why is it weird?" Chris asked

"Well, what if she wasn't killed by the fire on accident?" Kian explained, Chris still looked confused so I carried on for him

"What if Jack was planning this all along? I mean, the police were all searching for him right? And me! So by killing someone similar to me leading people to think I'm dead would make the search calm down or even stop"

"But Jack was dead when the fire happened?" Chris pointed out

"Yeah but he could have planned it before and Acacia, Joanna or the other two could have carried on for him" i explained "I've had this theory for ages but it never made sense you know?"

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