Chapter 39

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This chapter is going to be a little longer because it's chapter 39 and 40 together.

After all the guys came in Kian was behind, he called me but I ran into my room, guess I wasn't okay with seeing him I slammed the door shut, slid down the door while tears rolled down my face, my breaths were becoming quicker but I was still struggling for air. My eye sight became blurred, legs became weak, I tried calling out... But no sound or help came. I reached for my phone to call someone for help, Jc's number came up first. I heard Jc's voice on the phone "Hello why are you calling me? I thought you were in you-"

"H-H-Hel-" the tears overtook, I couldn't even speak

"Chloe?!" Jc panicked voice became faint as I could hear the sound of my heartbeat. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker and by then I was already lying on the ground struggling to breathe "Chloe!" I heard people running into the room but I was too weak to turn or say anything

"You're okay, you're okay just breathe into this bag" Ricky handed me a bag. It was Jc and Ricky

"I'm sorry I don't know what happened" I said, I could now feel the air in my lungs better

"it was a panic attack" Ricky explained "I I think?"

"Ricky could you give us a second please go tell the others she's ok" Jc said opening the door for Ricky to leave. He rubbed my head and left

"I'm fine I just couldn't breathe" I said sitting up

"You scared me" Jc said holding my hand

"I'm fine now" I kissed his cheek and we just sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes

Connor walked in "Hey guys can we all do a live younow a lot of our fans are asking why we haven't done any lately and just answer some questions"

"Yeah uh sure" I said

"Just don't even look at him" Connor said helping me up
Ricky got his computer out and we all found a spot to sit on, Ricky sat in the middle of the sofa, Kian on the right, Connor on the left, Jc, Sam and I sat on top of the back and Emily sat on the left arm

Ricky pressed record "Whats u-"

"WHAT'S UP O2L!!!!" Jc interrupted making us all laugh

Ricky began talking again "It's Ric-"

"JC HERE" Jc screamed again

"JC" Connor laughed

"What's up guys it's Ricky, welcome to my younow and today I'm here with Jc, Connor, Kian, Sam, Chloe and Emily and were gonna answer a few of your questions if we see them because the comments are flying but here we go" Ricky continued "first question.. errrrmmm" he tried to catch a question " OH 'Who is the loudest in the house'?" We all pointed at Sam "Are you guys attending DigiFest'?" he read

"Yes yes we are we are currently in London for DigiFest tomorrow" I said

"'Is Connor and Emily a couple?'" They both kissed

"Hope that answers your question" Jc laughed

"'HOW ARE YOU!?' were good thanks how are you?" Connor answered and questioned

"Is Chloe and Kian a couple-" Ricky read but stopped

Kian opened his mouth to speak but Sam interrupted "Yeah! Yeah they are"

I gave Sam a confused look "yeah there's a lot of rumours saying they're not anymore but don't believe them" Connor said

"The comments are going so fast it's a bit hard to read them so sorry if we don't get to your questions" Emily said
After what felt like 300 questions we said good bye and turned it off

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