Chapter 37

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Oh my god guys thank you so much for 4k reads you don't understand how happy that makes me. I'm having a terrible day, the first thing I do as I get back from school is look at wattpad to see '4 frickin K' you guys just made my day thank you so much <3

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Thank you guys I love you so much hopefully I'll make it to 5k or more soon ;) well my target ATM is 4.2k so tell your friends or even dogs if ya waaaant to read this story and VOOOOOTE love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


"Wake up it's tour daaaay" Emily jumped on top of me

"Em get off" I chuckle pushing her off


"Us?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"Oh did he not tell you? I'm going" Emily said throwing a towel at my head. I took a quick shower and threw on black leggings, golden timberland boots, beige oversized knitted hoodie and my hair curled, I clipped the front back with a big white bow. I walk downstairs to see Jc and Connor waiting for us

"Chloe! Are you alright? you didn't mention you were coming here Kian was going bonkers looking for you!! Where's your phone? Why didn't you call me at least?" Jc said under one breath

"Yeah we got worried sick! Don't do that to us Chloe, please call Kian right now and tell him you're ok!!" Connor said handing me his phone

"Guys you sound like mums, I don't wanna call him" I said picking up my suitcase

"Well they're meeting us there so it's fine" Connor said

"I asked her to come so we can have a girl day, her phone died and we couldn't be bothered to charge it" Emily said as we walked to the car

"Well you're ok at least" Jc kissed my forehead

"Hmhm" I said getting into the car and heading to the airport. We arrived at the airport and sat in a bench inside while we waited for the rest of the guys and Joanna, I sat with my legs crossed, my hood up and plugged my earphones in listening to the neighbourhood.

"Turns out Joanna won't be coming" Jc said

"Whys that?" Emily said holding Connor's arm

"Her family's flying here instead" he nodded

"Were you guys together?" Connor asked

"I thought we were but I guess we're not"

I unplugged my earphones "she's with someone else?" Jc nodded "Sorry about that" I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, we are just friends there's no problem us doing this

I must have fallen asleep "Sam, Ricky and Kian's here" Emily whispered to me. I groaned and closed my eyes again still leaning on Jc.

"Hey" Kian,Sam and Ricky all said

"Shall we go?" Emily asked

"London here we come" I mumbled

"Hey babe where did you go?" Kian asked as I stood up

"Emily's" I said walking away with Ricky and Jc

"Chloe" Sam called behind me

"yeah?" I turned around

"are you okay? with everything that's going on I know how hard it is for you-"

"I'm okay Sam, I'm good as long as I have you okay?" I smiled "I love you"

I love you too" he smiled back "come on"
We sat on the plane I got the window seat, Jc sat next to me and Kian next to him. No one asked why I didn't wanna sit next to Kian they just thought it was a 'girl month', Emily, Connor behind and Ricky and Sam in front. About 30 mins after the plane boarded Jc and I picked a movie and started at the same time

After it was finished everyone was asleep except Jc and I "Are you sure you don't wanna swap places and sit next to Kian?" Jc asked. I shook my head, turning my head and watching the dark sky. We didn't talk after that "You got it didn't you?" Jc asked breaking the silence "the text? Video and picture"

"I don't wanna believe it's true but it is, did you see him go off the club with her?" I whispered

"Sam, Connor and Ricky were dancing while Kian and I sat at the bar" he began "he ordered a drink and left it on the side there was this girl next to him she looked like you, this other girl came and began talking to us and then she just randomly walked away smiling. Kian then turned to the side and it was Acacia" a woman came and asked if we needed a drink "Just water" we both said together
She handed the drinks and Jc continued "the other girl came back and asked me to dance so I went, when I came back Kian wasn't there anymore"

"He went off with acacia right?" I asked

"Yeah I guess, I got Connor since he wasn't drunk and we went to look for him. after about two hours we found the girl I was dancing with and she asked if we were looking for Kian apparently she knew where he was then she led us to a room and said he was there and she left"

"Then when you went inside?" I took a sip of my drink

"He was lying down in bed clearly drunk out of his head, fully clothed at least"

"And Acacia?" He shrugged

"Do you think they drugged him?" he asked

"No! He knew exactly what he was doing" I blamed him, but I guess he has a point

"Get him to explain it to you I'm sure he didn't mean to he must have been super drunk.. okay?"

"Okay" I mumbled putting on my white beats headphones and leaving my head on the window

"We will be landing in Heathrow airport terminal 4" the speaker said waking me up. as we landed I picked up my penny board and everyone else did too we walked off. Jc and I rode around the airport while the rest of the lots waited for our bags. After we got out things we walked out and there were drivers holding up signs with names, Smiths, Donkat, Snoroff, I chuckled at the names I read until we saw Our Second Life, a tall man who looked on his 30's or so held it.

"THIS IS HUGE" Connor screamed as we entered the hotel

"Shush" Emily said, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead

"Hello you are here for the tour right? I'll take you to your rooms" a young woman said leading us to the elevator, she opened a door revealing a huge room that had 3 bedrooms, a living room/ kitchen and a bathroom "Enjoy your stay" she handed us our keys and walked out.

"Let's go" Ricky said

"Where?" Sam asked

"Uh Nandos! I'm not leaving London until I eat some and I saw one down the road so let's go, and tomorrow we can shop or something"

Everyone walked out "I forgot my phone be right back" I ran back in the room

"What's wrong?" Kian asked closing the door behind him. I ignored him as I searched for my phone "Did I do something?"

" you tell me" I faced him and crossed my arms

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"Kian I'm giving you one chance to tell me what happened when you guys went out"

"Nothing... happened we danced and that was... that was it" he said unsure. i eventually found my phone, got the video up and threw my phone at him which he caught

"We're done" I walked out slamming the door leaving him to watch the video by himself "We're done" I said to myself crying.


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