Chapter 56

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We got out of the car a few door away from my house, I took a really deep breath and began walking down the lonely road along with Kian, Jc, Emily and Ricky... It was pretty late so no one would really be out right now. Before we got here we dropped Connor at the hospital to stay with Chris and explain to his parents that they were out and people came asking for money which they then refused and that's why they're over there. I stopped in front on my house as the others walked to the door, they turned around once they realised I stopped walking and walked back standing in front of me
"You coming Chlo?" Emily asked, I glanced at them as they all stared at me and quickly shook my head taking a step away

"I can't do this" I protested "I can't"

"Chloe yes you can" Kian took my hand followed by Jc doing the same and Emily and Ricky hugging me
"The minute I step foot in that house I am putting my whole family in danger" I shook my head "Wh-What if they get angry because I never called th-"

"Chloe they're not even gonna think about that they're gonna be so overwhelmed that you're back" Jc interrupted me "now let's get in there and put a smile back in their faces"
We stood there for a few seconds until I finally nodded, Emily slowly opened the door and walked in with us doing the same and me behind holding Kian's hand, I stopped at the corner of the living room as the others went in front of me

"Mrs Anne" Emily spoke
"Yes Emily? Oh hello guys" my mother spoke, my heart warmed as I heard her soothing voice and my eyes filled with tears, happy tears to hear my mothers voice again

"There's someone here too see you guys" Jc told her

"If it's any reporters tell them we've had it, it's hard enough dealing with all of this" my dad said sternly I smiled at his seriousness, God I wanna run in screaming and hugging them, the guys stepped aside as I quietly walked in hoping they were looking but they were watching TV facing their backs to me, I looked at the guys as they nodded their heads encouraging me to speak

"Mum-" my voice broke "-dad?" They turned their heads confused, I smiled as their confused faces turned into an unbelievable expression, my mum stood up, same as my dad and they both slowly walked closer to me almost scared to touch me

"Baby" my mum finally cupped my face with her warm skinny hand "oh Chloe" she hugged me really tight "it's really you" after a few seconds she pulled away crying "it's really you" she repeated brushing my hair back and smiling as tears fell down her eyes, I looked at my dad who covered his mouth while a few tears fell from him too

"Daddy" I ran to him hugging him tight, he wrapped his arms around me making me wince at the pain from my ribs, I don't know how I managed to shower with the stabbing pain shooting up

"Baby" he rubbed my head "it's you, my baby girl is home!" I smiled and pulled away crying of joy

"I can't believe this" my mum hugged me again "Lillie!!" She yelled out for Lillie "Lillie come here!!"

I heard her petit bare feet stomp on the ground behind me
"Yes mumm-" I turned to face her, she was so grown up, her hair was longer and lighter, her cheeks were pink, she was still really really small and her eyes were a lot bluer than usual "sissy?"

"Lillie" I smiled widely kneed down as she ran to my arms crying my name

"You're back sissy you're back don't leave me again please" she cried making me cry a lot more too, a while later my mum handed me a cup of water as we all sat down, I breathed in the warm smell of the house being happy to be here... feeling safe and getting ready to answer so many questions

"I know you have a lot of questions and may be angry at me b-"

"Angry at you?" My mum interrupted

"Well I just assumed, I'm sorry for putting you guys through this you didn't deserve it"

"You didn't do anything wrong" my dad put his hand on top of mine "you didn't deserve any of this"

"Of course we have questions but right now I just wanna enjoy this moment" my mum smiled

"Where's Sam?" Emily asked before we said anything there was a knock on the door, I instantly panicked and stood up worried

"Who is that" I panicked
"Chloe it's okay you're safe" Kian hugged me

"No-No Kian I knew it I shouldn't have come back-"

"Honey" my mum hugged me again, so much hugging but I understand "you're okay it's probably Sam" she walked to the front door and opened it, I heard her speak to him "Sam there's someone here to see us but you need to breathe"

"What? Why? Who is it?" He asked and walked in but stopped as he saw me "Chloe?"

"Sam" I walked to him hugging him as tight as I could while he done the same

"How?" He mumbled "I missed you so much" I felt him hold back his tears but fail once I heard his silent cries

"I missed you too" I pulled away looking at everyone's smiles "I missed all of you"

"I'm so happy you're ok you have no idea how much I prayed for this day" my mum told me

"I'm so happy to be home again" I smiled

So just because you guys are so awesome I updated again today
Before my last chapter I had 21k reads and after that I had 21.6k which is insane that it went up so fast in one night.... can we do that again after this? I hope so TOOOOOO anyway I updated quickly because I got comments on my last chapter... see? That's all it takes, comments telling me what you think about the story/chapter and votes, I take long to update if you guys don't comment or vote for my chapters but when you do that then I update as soon as I can because it tells me you guys are actually enjoying it. so thank you for their who voted and commented hopefully they and you reading this will do it again so I could update quicker.
Also check out my other story it's called Change Can Be Amazing Luke Hemmings
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