Chapter 54

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I woke up to sounds of voices speaking, my ears adjusted to the sounds surrounding me and I soon noticed the voices. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw Kian, Emily and Jc's eyes locked on me "You're awake" Emily breathed out

"What happened" I tried to sit up but was interrupted by a stinging pain on my stomach, I looked down and saw my white tee-shirt with a hole on the side patched with blood on my ribs, panicking I lifted my shirt up and saw my right side wrapped with a bandage

"Luckily she has a bad aim, the bullet slid past your skin but it still hurt you" Jc explained "we brought drinks and a first aid kit with us"

Kian removed a hair from my face "We were gonna take you to the hospital but the guys didn't think you'd want anyone to see you- I think we should now that you're awa-"

"No don't" I interrupted smiling at him, I missed how he cared about me "it's fine we can just keep this bandage I'll be okay" I finally stood up, the bandage was pretty tight and the pain was horrible but it was bearable. Jc handed me water and I chugged it down not even realising how thirsty I was, after I drank enough to end my thirst I looked around "Where's Connor and Ricky?" I asked, Jc, Kian and Emily looked around clearly hiding something "Guys?" I spoke again

"They're at the hospital" Emily said quietly

"What?" I snapped "Why?" I looked around again and noticed something else

"They're fine but" Jc stopped talking as if he was trying to figure out what to say

"Chris!" I said to myself "where's Chris?" I panicked

"The other gun shot" Kian breathed in "it was aimed at Chris"
I stepped back suddenly feeling dizzy I could hear the sound of my heart beating faster than before, it can't be, I stood there not knowing how to react but within seconds I ran down the stairs into the Main Street completely ignoring the pain stabbing my ribs, I kept slowly down seeing as the pain would get worst but I still carried on, behind me Kian, Jc and Emily ran too this was a small part of the town so I knew exactly what hospital it would be. I wasn't even caring that anyone noticed me- not that they will because I've walked around here with Chris before and no one has noticed me so why would they now?- I stopped running once I arrived at the hospital I looked back as the others caught up to me

"You know for someone who just got sort of shot you run pretty damn fast" Emily struggled to breathe but still spoke, I stopped for a moment to allow the pain to ease as Kian rubbed my stomach slowly, we walked in and saw Connor and Ricky sitting in the waiting area with worried looks planted on their faces

"How is he?" I asked getting their attention, they looked up and looked shocked

"What are you doing here someone's gonna notice you" Connor stood up

"Chloe stay at the hotel we'll call you" Ricky told me

I shook my head "No one should know me here and I have to stay here for him I have to know he's ok! This is all my fault I put him and all of you in danger this is why I can't stay here" I let out a few tears that I hadn't realised I was holding back, they opened their mouths to speak but I went on "after he wakes up I have to go I can't stay here it's not safe for any of you!"

"It's not your fault Chlo, he's gonna be ok" Kian held my hand

"Yeah how do you know!" I snapped "its all my fault" I walked around mumbling over and over and over, it wouldn't fit in, why does this happen I'm a walking disaster everywhere I go a hurt people. They tried to calm me down but it wasn't working we sat in the waiting area and they were still but I couldn't stop getting up, walking around, fidgeting, biting my nails I'm surprised I haven't passed out, my pointless thoughts were interrupted by a nurse telling us it was alright to see him even though he's not awake and not to try to wake him up.

Slowly, we walked into the room Chris was staying at he looked pale and tired yet peacefully sleeping I walked up to him while the others remained standing, I kneed down and held his hand "i'm so sorry Chris" I cried "this is all my fault i'm so sorry" I felt the others walk closer then someone's arms wrapped around me lifting my up into a tight hug I noticed the warmth straight away

"It's not your fault" Kian whispered "it's not your fault" he repeated

After a few minutes they said they would leave me alone for a bit, a nurse asked us to give information and before they left we talked about what they were suppose to say, once they left I closed the door behind me and felt cold tears fall down my cheek, slowly I slid my back on the door hugging my knees and letting out every single tear I could. Chris is in danger because of me, my BEST FRIENDS are in danger because of me I don't even know where Joanna and Acacia are and honestly it scared me, the unknown can be a scary thing. I walked over to Chris and sat next to him rubbing his hands, his face was pale but he still looked amazing as always, asking him for help seemed like a great idea before because Jack didn't know him so he wouldn't suspect anything, these thoughts also led me to wonder did Jack actually kill him self? Or did Acacia? She seemed pretty damn capable of it considering she shot me, I lifted myself again and brushed my hands on my covered wound

"Chlo" a voice behind me said, I turned around and saw Ricky "you have to come with me, they're calling Chris' parents" I quickly stood up

"I need to get out of here" I closed my jacket and walked out the door but turned around "I'll see you soon Chris, I promise" I whispered then ran out with Ricky, here I go again running away from everyone but i have to keep them safe, I have to stay away maybe some day I'll be able to come back but not now. "Ricky?" I spoke making him stop and look at me "stay here please"

"No I'm taking you to another hotel, Kian will stay with you and we'll stay with Chris" he told me leading the way through a random street "we need to know where you are until you feel ready to come home"

I thought about it for a second, I could stay at a different hotel, they would know I'm safe and I won't be alone and maybe just maybe if we find Acacia and Joanna I could go home "okay" I nodded making him smile and walk as I followed.



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Change can be amazing Luke Hemmings

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I'm still gonna be happy




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