Chapter 58

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"Hey honey good morning" I opened my eyes to be amazed by my surroundings, my mum and dad stood in front of me

"Morning" I smiled sitting up

"How did you sleep?" My dad asked, I nodded happily it felt so good to be home, it felt so good to be happy to open my eyes and not afraid of what I'm going to see "well breakfast is ready so when you're ready come downstairs ok?"

"Alright" I smiled as they walked out, this feels amazing. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, tied my hair up and went downstairs "morning" I said to Sam and Lillie who was talking to my parents

"Hey sister" Sam stood up and hugged me tight along with Lillie hugging my legs "hungry?"

"Starving" I corrected, I sat down and my mum handed us a plate full of pancakes with honey, bowls of raspberries and blueberries and orange juice.

After we finished eating I asked how Chris was doing "He's still not awake, well he woke up once but then went to sleep again" my dad explained "it's normal, it's the medication but we need to talk to you" oh no, they figured it out "were you abused? In any way?"

"He already hurt you before we just want to make sure in these 6 months nothing happened" my mum explained

"No" I shook my head "well yeah he hurt me but it wasn't as bad as before"

"If you're ready..." My dad began, holding my hand "... We have to tell the police, they're still looking for you"

I breathed in "okay" I let out a sigh "we can go to them now if you want"

"But before we wanna say something else" I nodded waiting for them to carry on "we want you to live here again, at least until we know you're safe for sure"

I smiled, I was perfectly fine with that but I needed to think about what I'm going to tell the police... I have to say everything from the day I left London to New York where Chris was shot by Joanna which leads to more things to say like Acacia and that she's still out there "I'd love to" I hugged them both.

"Sissy, can I show you my room?" Lillie asked

"OF COURSE" I cheered as she grabbed my hand dragging me to get little room, she opened the door revealing a pink room filled with horses toys, dolls, pictures of us and a swing

"it's beautiful"

"Can you play with me sissy?" She begged, I kneed down hugging her as tight as I could

"Of course I can"

We grabbed her dolls and started playing around with them "Chloe?"

"Yeah Lil?"
"Please stay with us again, don't run away I don't like it when you're not here" her blue eyes filled with water making my heart break, I can't believe how much I mean to her... I'm suppose to be her role model and she's already learning about my messed up life

"I'm always going to be here Lillie" I whispered
"Forever?" She put her pinkie up
I connected mine with hers "forever and always!" She hugged me making me fall back as we laughed loudly.


"Ready?" My mum asked, it was around 5pm and we were going into the police office, I put on my black hoodie covering half of my face and nodded.
We drove to the station and got off the car as I put my sun glasses on, as we walked in we were greeted by a man who seemed to be in his 30's "you're the parents of Chloe Lee Anne I'm i right?" He spoke

"Yes actually-"

"Sadly we don't have any reports so far but we're doing the best we can" he interrupted my dad, i tightened Sam's hand

"Actually..." My parents stepped aside as I put my hoodie down looking at the officer, his eyes widened as he saw me

"Miss Anne?" He asked and I nodded "that's amazing" he called over two of his work mates as they emptied out a room for us to go inside "I assume we have a lot to talk about?" He said while we sat down in a round table

"Yes" my voice cracked

"How about you start at the very beginning?"

I breathed out and began explaining "when I was younger I met this boy called Jack..."


Short chapter cause I'm a #rebel
Don't worry honey there's another chapter which is going to be mostly flash backs and stories okay?
I'll see you there
Peace x

Forever And Always (Kian Lawley)Where stories live. Discover now