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-Chapter Four-
The Lake House

With Braxton out of the restroom I resigned to having a shower, my body was still hot so I opted on a cooler shower than I'd normally have. As I stood under the large shower head I couldn't help but feel bad about what I'd just told Braxton and I knew he was right...but all of this is just happening faster than I'd like, and I know once we get home things will begin to go even faster as I've officially been presented to his pack.

Next will be sitting down with the council and asking them to allow me to become Braxton's Luna even though I am neither married to or marked by him...something that has never been granted before.

Once I felt that I had washed the events of the night away I finally got out of the shower, I got dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of fresh underwear before making my way back into the bedroom.

Of course Braxton wasn't there.

I felt like a complete ass.

I sighed knowing I had been way harsh on him, I knew deep down he meant well...but I need him to realize this is all new and weird to me. Then again he isn't a mind reader, he wouldn't know how I'm feeling unless I actually tell him.

I got into the bed and pulled out my cellphone from my purse on the nightstand. I found his number and pressed it without hesitation, he answered almost immediately.

"Gorgeous I'm just in the office." He answered.

"I'm sorry."

"You have no need to apologize Harper." He sounded sweetly.

"I do, I'm always going on about us communicating and here I am being a hypocrite...I'm just freaking out and really just want my boyfriend's understanding and patience."

"Gorgeous I get it, and I'm really trying here...but I don't know how much more I can do to help you through this than what I know, and risking another argument I'm just gonna say that the only way I know how to help you is by marking you."

"I know." I sighed, "and I know you mean well, but I'm just not ready yet."

"I understand, and I'm going to take your advice as well."

"What's that?" I asked a little concerned now.

"I think you're right, I think it would be in our best interests if we stayed in separate rooms while we're here...during the day I'm going to monitor the pack, but I'm going to ask you to stay here for your safety and my sanity."

I felt heartbroken, I felt like he was pushing me away.

Realistically my head told me not to worry about him, and that I was overthinking things...but why did I feel so sad?

"Do you have to stay away from me?"

He sighed heavily, "gorgeous, I don't want you to feel pressured in any way."

"I won't, I overreacted earlier...I-I just really want you with me."

"Are you sure?" He asked skeptically.

I nodded knowing he couldn't see me, "I can't do this without you Braxton."

I heard his heavy sigh, "let me just put my things away and I'll be up shortly."

I hung up and placed my cellphone on the nightstand, I turned off the lamp knowing if I saw him I would crave him, it was already more than enough that soon I'd feel his touch and I'd have to do everything in my will to keep my wits about me.

In no time I heard the door to the bedroom open, I listened on as Braxton let himself in, careful with his every footfall, pulled back the blanket and got into the bed.

Both of us lay near each other, no one touching the other, it was more awkward than the first time we shared a bed. Neither of us wanted to speak as we didn't know what to say.

"So..." I attempted to break the tense silence.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I've been better, but no complaints."

"I have to warn you..." he sounded calmly, even in the dark I could vaguely make out his facial profile as he looked up at the ceiling. "I know you might not want to hear it gorgeous, but before the week is will get worse, much worse."

"Physical pain?"

"As well as emotional." He put in slightly cautiously. "I-I hate knowing there isn't anything I can do." He added, this time he shifted only slightly so his hand cradled my face just so.

His normally warm hand seemed to cool my inflamed cheek, every stroke of his thumb seemed to leave a chilly trail.

I turned to face him now, "I'm sorry...but, why does this have to be permanent, isn't their another way to ease the pain without having to take your mark?"

"Does the thought of me marking you really upset you so much Harper?"

"It isn't that at all" I tried to amend. "I do want to take your mark and be your Luna one day, but with everything going on this past year I feel like our relationship has taken a backseat...I haven't gotten to just enjoy being your girlfriend before finding out I was your mate, I quickly came to terms with that and now I've been presented as your future Luna of your pack, I haven't even had time to wrap my head around what that all entails and here I am expected to take your mark...and then what, marriage and babies, or is marriage not even necessary."

"I know it seems like a lot but it really isn't."

"No." I sounded stubbornly "it may not seem like a lot to you because this is all you know, this is what you've been taught your whole life...but me, I was just sorta thrown into all of this, and I don't want to hurt your feelings but try and see things from my point of view, this is my entire life changing...this is me committing to being with one man for the rest of my life without having even dated another guy, swearing to help lead and protect thousands of people...but I'm only a teenager."

The realization became overwhelming. I let my emotions come forward and Braxton did his best to comfort me as I cried myself to sleep.

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