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-Chapter Seventeen-

Braxton had been gone a few days since I have begun my lessons with both his grandmother and mother, with his mother she told me about the most supportive role I would take, and with his grandmother (who wasn't at all what I was expecting) she taught me the hierarchy of the council and the proper ways to address them and so forth.

"If in town, it is always the Alpha and Luna's honor to host the council in their own private home...never the pack house as the pack house should only be for business and pack members in need of shelter or pack functions."

I jotted down a quick note as she spoke.

"Furthermore, every pack function will have the Alpha and Luna both in attendance with the exception of out of town business, then it will be the Alpha and Beta...Alpha's and Luna's do not get sick days." she said with a sympathetic sort of smile..."Correction, Luna's do get sick days...but only when pregnant as an Alpha's offspring is quite precious to the entire pack...that little baby is their future."

That heavy feeling hit me once was the undeniable weight of high expectations that I would one day have to fulfill. As we wrapped up our lesson for the day I gathered my bag and popped a few books for refreshing and taking down further notes. "Any new books for me tonight?"

"Not for this weekend, this weekend I want you to sit with Braxton...find out just what he does and sit by his there for meetings, help him with decisions, this is essentially your entire role, the other stuff is just protocols, laws, and histories...but being his other half, that is your number one job." She smiled before releasing me.

"May I ask you something else?" I put in before leaving for the day.

"Of course dear."

"Pardon the bluntness...but Braxton originally told me you disliked humans, but you have been very nice to me..."

She laughed, "Do you wish me to be mean Harper dear?"

At this I blushed and shook my head 'no.'

"To be honest, you are my grandson's mate and I've learned my lesson rather harshly that when it comes to mates, best not try and get in the way of the fates chosen couplings." she said, a sad sigh sounding from her. "But that's a story for another time, now run along...lessons will continue on Monday."

She showed me out and I thanked her once again before heading straight over to Braxton's place.

Once I let myself inside I set down my bag and went to find Braxton.

I found him sitting in his office and I couldn't but stop and just admire him. I casually leaned against the door frame and watched him lost in thought, a small smile playing on my lips as (impossibly) I had somehow forgotten how handsome he truly is in memory never does him justice.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked before turning to look at me, his full smile on display only for me.

I returned his smile with my own, "As a matter of fact I was." I said before making my way over to him, he turned in his chair and pat his lap, I obliged him. I had learned long ago that any qualms I had with my weight (personally) needed to go right out the window when it came to Braxton's ability to withstand my curvier nature...not that i'm "fat" or that there's anything wrong with being heavier set...just mental body stuff on my end.

I laid my head upon his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you more gorgeous." He said before he sighed. "you don't even know how much I needed you to come over."

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