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-Chapter Twenty-Three-
Alpha Dinner: Part Two

"This will be one of the hardest things you'll have to do as a Luna." Braxton's Grandmother sounded.

After Braxton had told me about the sudden dinner we were throwing in honor of this new alpha, Alpha Trace... the next morning I immediately contacted his Grandmother. Sure it may have been easier to call his mom (may have even been more fun) but I need to strengthen that bond between his grandmother and I as well as the fact that she will tell me exactly what needs to be done and how to do it.

Braxton had to go into work and Val had classes so they left earlier in the day, leaving me all alone when his grandmother arrived. She commented on the size of the house and the décor on the inside, thankfully all good comments.

"Braxton said it'd be easy."

She laughed a humorless laugh, "To men everything we do seems easy and effortless, but alas my girl...that's all part of our job....creating that illusion for them to see."

I took in her words.

"Alphas will never know the stress of having to put together a last minute dinner for neighboring Alphas much less the headache of hosting the council members themselves...and don't you dare even get me started on people expecting a seat and a meal after not returning an RSVP card to an event." She sounded tiredly as she shook her head from side to side. "But it must be to start off, lets sit down and make a check list."

Together we sat down at my formal dining table and began the compiling of the list.

"First and foremost let's get this list done in sections, we'll get the table sorted first, then then food and drink, followed by entertainment/ambiance."


"Take note my dear girl."

I shook my wondering thoughts away and made a list of items as she spoke: Linens, Candle holders, Candles, Flatware, Stemware, Floral arrangements, and china.

"Now typically speaking one would host guests using their wedding china, flatware, and stemware." She pointed out, "But seeing as my Grandson is a little delayed in his actions we will just make do with what you already have."

"Oh" I sounded embarrassed. "Braxton and I purchased a dining set from's got plates, bowls, and even some glasses."

She nodded, her expression unreadable. "Whilst that is a step above a Styrofoam plate and no discredit to the Target establishment...I believe I have some items I can lend you for the time being."

It was the most elegant way of saying mine and Braxton's 20 piece boxed set wasn't good enough. We then moved on to the linens which I found must always be cloth never paper or plastic. Table cloths, napkins, and place mats, all cloth.

"Now this of course may be cotton, crotchet, lace silk if you dare...the choice is yours really." She smiled.

I nodded and made a quick note.

"As for floral arrangements, you can honestly really go without florals for Alpha dinners but always have them present for Council dinners, and when making arrangements, it's cheaper to make your own but when doing so remember to keep the arrangement short in height but long in length, this gives the illusion that it is a huge centerpiece while still being reasonable so that everyone is able to interact and see one another."

"Well Priscilla is always my go to for Flowers anyways so I'm sure she'd make lovely arrangements if I needed her to."

She nodded, "Yes my Dear Priscilla always had the most stunning displays for her tables." She smiled softly.

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