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-Chapter Twenty One-
Moving Out, Moving In

After trying to best explain everything to Val, she of course had a ton of questions.

The thing I loved most was the fact that she believed us.

"You know I really am sorry for not telling you sooner." I voiced a few nights later. I had went back to my parents to get all of my stuff ready to officially be moved more ping ponging back and forth, I knew it was time to grow up and buckle down...take my duty as the Luna to be much more seriously. "It really wasn't for selfish purposes, I promise."

"I know H." she sighed.

"What's wrong?

She was laying on the longer sofa as we had decided to have an impromptu slumber party for my last night in our parents house. So I could see her move from laying on her back to turn over to her side to face me (on the smaller loveseat).

"I know you guys have told me a lot of info on Were-people and all of that...but the one thing that really stuck with me was the whole mate thing..."

I smiled, I knew my sister was always a hopeless romantic with a penchant for also being a serial dater in the hopes of finding "the one."

"...But, you and Braxton think I have one of these mate guys out make me kinda sad now."

I was a little confused now, "Why would you be sad...Val, this guy will be the one you've been looking for every since you were old enough to know you wanted a boyfriend...he's your end all when it comes to dating." I smiled.

She smiled a sad smile. "And I can't wait, but what you said is also the reason I'm worried."

I looked at her, her smile vanished, sad eyes looked at me "What if I meet him and he doesn't want me, or worse when I meet him what if we immediately fall for each other?"

"How in the world could falling for your mate be bad?" I asked with genuine confusion.

"Harper, I haven't even met the guy and just laying here I'm wondering, how many boys have I ever kissed, which then leads me to wonder, how many girls has he kissed, Has he ever been in love with someone else, what if he's a virgin and of course I'm not, I would feel so guilty having just given myself to guys in the past without so much as a second thought...guys I didn't even love." she rolled over on to her back once again "I don't know if I deserve the dude, H...I'm used goods."

"Okay for one, don't talk about my sister like that...and honestly Valerie, whoever your mate he turns out to be will be will adore you no matter what took place in either of your pasts... and yes every mate coupling is different, but at the end of it all is that the same mutual love and respect is there between both parties involved." I tried to assure her. "You will have your worries and you'll be curious about his past and he'll no doubt do the same...but none of it will matter when you to accept one another."

She remained silent so I continued. "Now I don't know if he's loved anyone before you, or if he is in love with someone right now, chances are he has not found love yet...or rather I should say, I KNOW he has not found the level of Love he will have with you and he NEVER will...but please believe me when I say that what ever happened before you two meet, being mates sort of magically washes all of that stuff away...I mean every insecurity you have, vanishes." I said. "Don't fault the guy for his past because he will not fault you for yours."

She nodded, "thanks, I was seriously worried he'd...reject me" she whispered the last part.

Braxton had told my sister about the rejection part of mates, because she wanted to know why we just 'HAD' to be with them, didn't she get a choice in the matter. That's when he explained that she did in fact have the choice to Reject her mate just like her mate had the choice to reject her...but he made it more than clear that this isn't something to take lightly as a verbal, direct, in person rejection can not be undone and she would severe all ties with her mate so most Weres don't even like to say the word 'reject' and more often than not, simply refer to it as the 'r-word'

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