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Chapter Twelve
Alpha Duties

[ Braxton ]

"Alpha, a word please?"

I looked up to find Ryder standing just outside of the office, I picked up on his formal use of 'Alpha' so I knew whatever he had to talk about was serious.

"Yeah man come on in and shut the door." He did as instructed before I motioned for him to grab a seat, "Everything alright?"


I could pick up his hesitations and knew this instantly that whatever he had to discuss wasn't something fun for him. So I tried to ease him into it with small talk.

"So how're things going with Harper's sister Valerie?"

He nodded, "Valerie is a good study partner, and I'm just glad she was serious when she came into the study sessions...not at all like the girl I remember from a couple of the sorotity parties i'd seen her at."

"That's good, so...seriously man, what's up?"

He sat there for a moment almost trying to find his words, "um, I have to go out of town this's my dad...he um, he's not doing too good...I mean, from the way Trace was''s really not good."

"Ryder, I'm sorry to hear that...and of course you can go." I said feeling like shit, I knew the history of Ryder and his family, but even if he resented his the end of the day that is still his father. "If you don't mind, I'll go with you."

"Braxton, you don't have to." He tried to protest.

"Nonsense, both your brother and your dad came down when my dad passed... the least I can do is pay my respects to your old man while he's still with us right...I'll get Vance and Patrick to take care of things while we're out."

"You sure man...and what about the Luna to be?"

I nodded, "I sure dude, and Harper wouldn't mind me going...I'll just let Harper know I'm going out of town for business and I'll be back as soon as I can."

He thanked me (not that he needed to) and didn't stick around long after that.

But I was concerned for him.

I watched as he left and sighed, I knew things had always been sort of strained for Ryder and his Dad. And truth be told Ryder never liked the idea of his Dad not committing to his mom after his original Luna was a complicated history, but one that Ryder seemed to always hold onto...and maybe that's why he was feeling so down now, like he'd never get that chance to fix things with his Dad.

I hurt for my best friend.

My pack is the Everest Ridge Pack. And Ryder's mother, Emily Crain, is a pack member through birth. But Ms. Crain has family in the Garnet Hills Pack, His Father's pack... and I suppose that's how his parents met.

From what I know Ryder's lived here with his mother his whole life, but I met Ryder when we were 5, both starting Kindergarten class and we've been like brothers every since.

And growing up it didn't make Ryder like his father any more when he was forced to go and visit him every other weekend growing up...but luckily when Ryder shifted he had control of his own actions after that and didn't have to go visit anyone he didn't want to, and therefore he hadn't been to his Father's pack in years...which is one of the reasons if not the main reason I am going.

As my best friend, I would be there for him no matter what, just like I know he's been there for me throughout all my shit.

I let out a sigh as Isuddenly remembered all of what I was suppose to have accomplished this weekend; introducing Harper to my grandmother, getting her started on training, and maybe even marking and introducing her to the council to get them off of my back.

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