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Chapter Thirty

The days blended together as we finally settled into a comfortable normal.

Elise and Vance were loving life as a married couple. Mariah and Patrick had moved into a lovely house together as they began to prepare for their baby on the way. Ryder moved away and lately it felt as if Val had too.

"You're always gone." I sighed as I spoke to my sister over the phone.

"Hey little miss do you think I felt when you first started dating Brax?" She laughed. "I'll be home this weekend though, Mom and Dad are suppose to be coming back into town."

I had to think about it but I couldn't remember were they were currently at. "Where did they go this time around?"

"I don't know H...Nantucket...or was it Seattle?"

I shook my head, every since dad retired and found out that my dreams no longer consisted of Ivy League schools he and mom had been living out there own dreams of traveling the world.

"Sooo...How's Trace?"

"The Alpha is good...he uh, well he asked me to move onto his lands."

"Really?" I asked. I hadn't expected that, his own house maybe, but I liked the idea of having her near enough to keep an eye on her but still trying to giver her, her on space and independence.

"Yeah." She said, I could hear the smile in it. "It's so crazy H, Like I feel like it's all happening really soon though...I mean we've only just met like two weeks ago and yet...this, I don't know, this feels right though...I know he said he'd understand if I needed my own space so he'd help me look for an apartment...but if I'm being honest, I would really love to live with him."

"You would?"

All my life I've known Val to one who loves her own space...I mean back when we shared a room even, she'd put up curtains around her side of the room to make it seem like she her own space.

She sighed, "I know...shocker, but honestly...I think it's the only way to really get to know somebody when you're at home you let your guard truly down, so if you leave your socks everywhere, if you leave the cap off the toothpaste, if you leave boxes of cereal open then it's all going to get brought to light."

"Well as honest as it all is...remember that would be a two way street Miss leaves her eyelashes and hair ties everywhere."

"Oh my goodness that was one time I left my lashes in the nightstand."

"Val...I thought it was a huge spider." I said humored.

"Whatever, point is as fast as everything is going...I'm really comfortable with him, and I like that he's so upfront with me about what's seems like everything."

"I told you Valerie, Mates are when you think about it that way, you and Trace are basically married already...and if you want to move over there just tell him you're ready to live with him and see where it goes from there." I smiled. "Anyways, I've got to go...I'm meeting with the girls to discuss a possible baby shower for Mariah."

"Mariah's Pregnant?!" She shouted.

I went into panic mode, had I forgotten to tell her...worse, had Mariah even wanted people to know.

"She is, and please, please, please don't say anything to anyone especially her...I don't think she wants people knowing."

She agreed and we said our goodbyes before we finally hung up and I headed over to Mariah and Patrick's house.

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