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-Chapter Nineteen-

We were laying in each others arms, my lower half was a little sore, and legs were throbbing from stretching in ways I haven't done so before.

"What's on your mind?" I asked softly...I didn't want to speak too loudly in fear it would somehow shatter our perfect calm."

He turned just a little so we were now eye to eye in bed. I smiled as I knew his feet were probably hanging off the bed now.

"Thinking about you, and how lucky I am."

I blushed and he kissed my nose.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'm also thinking about us...but more so in the context of, I want every one to have what we have."

"Every mate has something similar to what we have Harper, of course every coupling is different...but there's something else on your mind."

I sighed I mean it was hardly the time to talk about anything other than us and yet as weird as it was, my mind was racing with other things. "Honestly, I want to tell Val about us."

"She already knows we're together." He sounded as he drew his brows together in curiosity. "Or you want to tell her we had sex."

"No!" I laughed "that's private...although I'm sure the people of thenpack will figure it out once they see my mark." I said reaching up and gently touching the fresh mark he'd left.

He smiled, "and a lovely mark it is my Gorgeous Mate." He said too damn seductively before he ever so lightly placed a kiss atop the mark.

My body flamed with want and he chuckled as he knew it was turning me on.

", not 'us' in the sense of you and I... us as in the pack."

He shook his head, his eyes took on a sadness to them, "I wish I could allow you to let your sister know about the pack and I, but it's against the rules."

"It really isn't." I voiced. "Trust me, no one knows the books and rules better than I do at this point, I mean I have poured over those books constantly, studying them profusely for almost a week straight now...The only thing I've found is a section stating that when speaking about Weres and Were-culture to speak with discretion."

"But what about non-Weres in the pack house?" He asked confused now, "I'm almost certain that's in there."

I shook my head, this time sitting up, bringing the blanket with me to keep myself covered up "Nothing...however it does state that Pack houses be reserved for Pack members only unless invited as a guest of the Alpha and Luna, to lessen any underhanded activity from neighboring packs."

He just looked at me.

"There's something else I found." I was excited about this one and had been wanting to tell him for a few days now. "In one of the Were-books I picked up...I came across a book on Genetics... apparently there is no such thing as a non-Were mate (thinking back I probably should've mentioned this earlier when he told me about his aunt)."

"What do you mean?"

I smiled. "According to the entry, every mated couple is between two individuals with Were lineage meaning they all carry the same Were are what the book refers to as an 'Active' Were because you shifted more so, you have the ability to shift at will...but for me...from what I read, I am what they call a 'Dormant' Were, meaning I must have had a Were-relation somewhere down the line, so in layman's terms; I have wolf blood."

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