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-Chapter Five-
Sister, Sister

"Hey, hey baby sis." Val said happily as I let her into the lake house.

It had been three days being locked away in the lake house, I was starting to go stir took some coaxing but I finally got Braxton to allow me some company, he of course suggested Elise and Mariah...but truth be told I didn't want them to see me in this state, in short, I am embarrassed.

But having my sister here meant that for even a short time I didn't have to talk about Luna's, Marks, or even Weres in general.

"I'm glad you came" I said as she let herself in and I closed the door behind her. "...and I really love that you're letting your hair get long again...what's it been 3 or 4 years now?"

"Thanks H, and honestly not since high school...but figured it was time for a change, what's the saying; new hair, new me."

I laughed a little, "I'm pretty sure you're thinking of new year, new me...but you look good anyways." And I meant it, the length of her hair made her seem her true age, instead of the mature vibe she tired to give off...for as long as I can remember Valerie always tried to be much older than she actually is. But this styling made her seem younger...innocent almost...this could also be in part to the fact that she wasn't wearing as much makeup as she usually does.

"So you said this is Braxton's place...I swear H, you struck gold when you bagged him." She said with a sigh.

"I'm sure you'll find a guy just as good as Braxton."

She shook her head no, "I've sworn off boys, as well as partying...I'm trying to really focus on myself and school."

"I am so proud of you Val."

She smiled her beautiful smile, it was genuine and warm.

"Well," I said. "As you can see we have plenty of space here if you'd like to's a little cool out otherwise I'd suggest taking a swim in the lake."

She brushed the idea away, "you know I burn in the sun." She smirked.

It was true, every since we were kids Valerie has always had such fair skin, and her porcelain like exterior never fared well...turning lobster red in only a short time in the sun.

"Well how about we go to the movies then?" She offered.

I made a face, I couldn't tell her that Braxton wouldn't allow me to leave without him. I knew it sounded archaic even to me but I also understood his precautionary reasoning behind it, my sister however...she'd hear that and all sorts of red flags would go up.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her doe eyes full of concern.

"Oh I just haven't been feeling my best...that's kinda why I'm here, Braxton doesn't want me getting worse...but if you want, we have a theater room down in the basement." I offered, "I can order us some food and we can watch Audrey Hepburn movies all day."

I knew it'd be hard for her to resist Audrey Hepburn.

And she happily agreed, I let her explore the place while I ordered the food, once she was bored we gathered some snacks and drinks from the kitchen and I showed her to basement.

"This should hold us over until the pizza gets here." I said as I opened the door to the basement.

Once she got a glimpse inside her eyes grew huge, "ok seriously, how loaded is this guy?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Braxton and I don't really discuss finances, but I know his family is pretty well off."

She gave me a look that asked me to explain myself better so I tried...

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