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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Date Night

"I don't really know what I was expecting to tell you the truth." Valerie said her brows pulled together in a slight annoyance. "I did ask him if I was his mate, and he did admit that I was..."

"Is that a bad thing?" I wondered, I suppose it's completely possible to be un-attracted to your assigned mate or not have similar feelings.

"Oh..." she sounded before smiling. "No it's...well it's kinda perfect." She was blushing now and I could see how truly giddy she was.

"Well what made it perfect?"

She shook her head, still smiling. "I don't know." She laughed a little. "Everything...he didn't leave me all alone at all that first night, I can see how that could be creepy seeing as I hardly know him but I don't know I guess I saw him as very attentive which was perfect because I didn't want to be alone at all that night, and he was always within reach literally...the way he holds my hand, like he's afraid he's going to break it, but at the same time like he never wants to let it go...and the way he looks at me..."

She had to stop momentarily, she had gotten so excited that her eyes had actually begun to tear up slightly.

"He looks at me with so much admiration...H, nobody has ever...ever looked at me with so much respect or care, and speaking of respect...he didn't even try anything, and he had plenty of opportunity."

I was kinda of impressed, Trace said he'd chase her and it seems as if he was.

"Is it like...I don't know, is it normal to feel so deeply for him this quick?"

I shrugged, "Braxton says every coupling is different...but for us, and I can only speak for myself really...but he was all I could think about, I hated that I had to be away from him...and now that I've taken his mark it's kinda even more intense."

The ladies came over and began working on our feet so the subject was dropped momentarily, but not for too long as Val spoke up.

"I'm scared."

I looked over at her, "Of What?"

"I feel like he is so good...too good for me, I just feel like I'm going to fuck it up somehow."

The ladies were obviously listening in on our conversation and my cheeks pinked at her blunt words.

"You are not." I tried to assure her.

"I am, I just know it...either I'm going to freak out and run off, or I'm going to annoy him by being too clingy, or I'm going to move too fast and...I don't know I can just tell I'm going to ruin this."

"Val...Trace isn't like most guys..." I said, finding it tough to explain to her when I didn't exactly want to just talk about Werewolves in front of these complete strangers. "Trust me when I say that guys like him and Brax...they like clingy, and nothing is too fast for them, even when you think you're moving them, it could be moving faster."

She smiled. "Thanks Harper...I don't know how you did this by yourself."

I shrugged, "I didn't...I had Elise...and more importantly, I had Braxton...I can't stress how important it is to talk to your man." I said with a slight smile, "Braxton was the one who pointed out that everything that I was feeling he was also feeling the same things because this was all new for him just like it was new for me...and you and Trace are no different, so when you feel like you're getting in your own head...stop and talk to him."

She nodded.

The ladies worked on our feet in silence.

"So...did you get his number."

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