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-Chapter Fifteen-
Ocklan Women

"What a night huh?" Elise sounded as we got into her car to head over to the pack house to check in with Vance, I also wanted to see if he'd heard anything from Braxton.

"You're telling me." I sighed, "I hope everything goes alright."

"Im sure it will, Pat loves Ry, there's no way he won't want this baby...matter of fact, I bet they get hitched too."

"Great." I sighed.

I hadn't meant to voice that aloud, but it escaped me.

"Wow, you still hold a grudge against Pat?"

"Oh no, not in the slightest...I honestly mean it Ellie, he is a really great guy, a completely different person than I remember from middle school to be honest." I let out another sigh. " I just hope this doesn't add another pressure from Braxton...I know he's never pressed for this or that but Ellie, I swear I am just so tired of everything that I think i've hit my breaking I'm to the point where all I want is to be with Braxton so much that if he needs to mark me then just mark me, if we have to get married then lets just get married, if I have to have a baby then lets just...-" I felt my eyes starting to tear up, "I feel like im losing myself in all of this, and worse...mine and Braxton's relationship is starting to take the brunt of all of this."

"Is that why you don't stay there anymore?"

I nodded, "the pressure put on us for Alpha and Luna was too much 24/7 so at least when im at home with Val I know I can't talk about it, therefore I get a small break." I sighed. "Look I know that once I become the Luna I can't just switch it off and runaway...I get that and I have no intention of neglecting my position...but right now it's just so much all at once."

She nodded, "Yes it's a lot H...but try and remember that you guys were suppose to have gotten all of this stuff done in the whole year y'all were you two are cramming a years worth of stuff down to just 2 yes I can get how it'd feel overwhelming."

"But...we're all here to help you through this H." She said. "None of us want you and Brax to fail, so we are willing to do everything we can to make sure you both do what you have to but also remind you that you're not in this alone...just like tonight...I know you'd probably prefer Brax to be here with you but I am more than happy to go with you to Grandmothers place, and I promise this won't be nearly as tough as you're probably thinking it's going to be...just formal training, and hey my Aunt's gonna be there too to make sure Grandmother doesn't try any thing."

I appreciated them. Again I didn't know what all would be included in these luna lessons but I was hoping it would be something managable.


I was a ball of nerves as I sat in Elise's car once again. She drove carefully through the night and we exited town.

"I wasn't sure what to wear." I admitted as I took the lacy edge of my dress into my fingers, "You look nice as well." I sounded. It was always something else seeing Elise in girly clothing as she was always more athletic and casual in her style.

"Thanks," she smirked "and you look great, my Grandmother is pretty old school and very formal so ladies should wear dresses and speak when spoken to sort of woman."

"That isn't at all intimediating." I chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm going to be there to try and take the attention off of you if I feel like it's starting to get too heavy in there."

I thanked her once again and she drove on. As we finally pulled into a long driveway I felt a little relieved at seeing Braxton's mother's car already parked there. We exited the car and I let out a breath I seemed to have been holding for I don't even know how long. Elise came to my side and togethere we walked up the steps and she rang the doorbell.

The fear of the unknown with Braxton's grandmother had involuntarily reverted me back to my old timid self, and unkowingly I had lowered my eyes, head slightly cast down, hands clasped infront of me as I awaited the door being answered. Once it was answered we were shown in and escorted through the house. I didn't get a very good look about as my eyes were still cast downward, we finally stepped into a room where two woman stood to greet us.

"I'm glad you girls finally made it." Braxton's mothers voice sounded before another spoke.

"Elise my dear, you somehow look absolutely lovelier than ever my dear, I apologize for missing your wedding, but prior engaments kept me away, did you recieve my wedding gift?"

"yes grandmother," Elise sounded clearly, a warmth in her voice towards her grandmother along with a pretty smile.

They continued to exchange small talk as I awkwardly stood there trying my best to blend into the background in hopes that Braxton's grandmother would forget altogether why it was that I was even here in the first place.

"And now you my child, you must be Harper."

I was completely frozen, I didn't know what to do, should I nod, speak, curtsey?

Suddenly a light chuckle sounded "well go ahead and speak girl, these lessons will be rather tough if you do not."

"Y-yes, ma'am, I am Harper." I squeaked out.

The sound of her heels stepping towards me sounded and made my back stiffen, a soft perfumed hand reached toward me and she gently lifted my face so that I was now looking at her own smiling face.

"Ocklan women do not hang their heads...That's better, and quite lovely you are Miss Harper."

I blushed and smiled shyly, "Thank you ma'am."

"You needn't be shy Harper, like it or not we need to begin your Luna lessons...something I'm a little upset with; my grandson should've had the common sense to begin your training sooner."

"Please don't blame Braxton ma'am, he was only trying to give me more time at normalcy." I said, suddenly finding my voice once Braxton was being blamed.

Once more she smiled, "My Dear, this is our it yours?"

I swallowed nervously.

"If this is the life you're choosing to continue with then we have work to get to...if not, then I dare say it was lovely meeting you."

I knew this was her way of telling me there was no more half in/half out for me...if I wanted to be with Braxton then I needed to accept every part of him, and his most important role was Alpha, and therefore I would have to be Luna and stop trying to prolong the inevitable or I could walk away now.

But I had chosen Braxton a long time ago, I just needed to woman up and be there to do what I can to help make his job easier by being the best Luna I can be.

I nodded and followed their Grandmother.

I wasn't quiet sure what I was expecting, never having been very athletic I was hoping it wouldn't be anything too strenuous, also I was in a dress so I was glad to find out it was nothing of the sort.

"Look at Luna lessons as glorified Etiquette classes." Braxton's mother said with a smile.

"As well as an entire lifetimes worth of Were-history." His grandmother said with a sigh. "I just wish we had more time for all of the studying."

"Studying?" I smiled, "I can assure you all that I will have this done in no time."

"My dear while I am impressed with your enthusiasm and confidence, there is a lot to learn in such a short time."

Elise smiled as well, "if there's anyone who is amazing at studying, especially in a cram pinch study sesh it's H."

Her grandmother was confused by her words.

I supressed a laugh, "What Elise is trying to say is that I am no slouch in the study department, if you'd like I can come over every day after school for lessons, or however you would like to proceed I am completely 100% on board."

"And what about Braxton, how will he feel with you commiting so much time to this?" She asked.

"Braxton is an Alpha, he knows the importance of my learning this for the good of the pack, he wouldn't dream of asking me to lessen my commitment to he's more than welcome to join me when I come."

It was settled and then we began.

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