Klance Football!AU

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(Dedicated to fallenautumn1202 )

⚠️Mild to Severe Language!⚠️

"Now we're winding down to the last few seconds of our game today folks, the Voltron Lions are two points behind, with a chance at another down if they make a smart play. Now there off, Shirogan passes to McClain and McClain passes to Gunderson who catches the ball! The Voltron Lions win the game! Thanks to that great ass- PASS, pass, by Lance McClain!" Keith yelps at his mistake. Never in his life had he screwed up in announcing, but it made it hard watching his boyfriend run around out there.

"Thanks for coming down today, folks. Hope you join us again soon for another game!" Keith quickly finished up and ripped his headphones off and turned off the microphone. Before roughly rubbing his face. "SHIT!"

He kicked his chair and threw his hands up before shaking his head. Lance was becoming a bit of a distraction, and everyone knew it. The door burst open and Keith's manager, Allura stormed in and smacked him over the head with a clip board. "Ow!"

"Keith's! There were children! And you slipped up because you were admiring Lance's ass!?" She fumed.

"Chill out. It won't happen again." Keith sighed, brushing his hair back.

"It better not! Or you're off the job."

"What? Like you've got someone better who can replace me?"

"Not yet, Kogan, not yet." Keith shook his head and grabbed his "required" brief case and walked out, leaving, Allura, alone in the stand. Keith walked to the locker room and waited outside for a good ten minutes as he waited for for Lance.

"Hey, Keith!" Hunk smiled as he walked out of the locker room. Hunk, was the new coach in training, and had become one of Keith's good friends. "Heard you were admiring, Lance, today." He winked and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Hunk. You're so weird." Hunk chuckled and leaned against the wall next to, Keith.

"So got any plans before the team heads off to the next game? Or are you coming with us again?"

"I'm coming with, I always do, but Lance and I are going to go visit my foster father tonight. Also I forgot to ask about Katie- er Pidge. No ones found out that she's a girl?"

"The fuck you talking about, Kogan!" Pidge snapped as she walked out of her private changing room. "Think I'm going to get kicked off the team if someone finds out I'm a girl?"

"That is what will happen," Shiro replied as he stalked out of the locker room.

"Shut up, dad." Pidge sneered. Everyone laughed at Pidge's snark. She was just like her brother who had been taken off the team for the season, due to a leg injury.

"Where the hell is, Lance?" Keith sighed. "We have to be at dinner in like a half hour!"

"Cool your jets, lover boy." Lance laughed, walking out the locker room.

"Jesus Christ, Lance, what took so long?" Keith asked.

"Making sure I looked good, you can't rush beauty, plus you seem pretty interested in my ass at this time." Keith's face turned bright red and everyone snickered. "We'll see you guys in a tomorrow on the road!"

Lance grabbed Keith's arm and skipped down the hall to their cars. "Lance slow down!"

"C'mon, Keith, I'm just excited to see your dad!"

"That's because he likes you more than he likes me!" Keith complained, and he struggled to keep up with his boyfriend.

"I'm also excited for the trip to play against the Zarkon Galras! We're ready to kick their asses this time!" Lance laughed. Keith smiled slightly and laughed with Lance and he kicked the door open. "I can't remember where you parked the fucking car!"

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