Matt X Reader pt. 1

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⚠️Because You All Secretly Wanted It⚠️

"(Y/N), Pidge is back!" Lance yelled through the communicator.

"Cool, give me ten, I'm trying to memorize this map-"

"You better come now. There's someone with her."

"Lance, who would..." My heart stopped, and I almost fell over as I grasped for the table. I managed to hand on as I regained myself.


"Uh, I'm coming." I blinked a few times, looking around and steadied myself.

I began to walk to the door. I knew who it was. It had to be him. My heart was racing just thinking about it. I tried to keep a steady pace, but as I got closer to the exit I couldn't contain myself. I broke into a jog which turned into a sprint. I threw my helmet aside, leaving it somewhere in the hall as I got to the transporter.

I entered and pressed down. Then waited the longest ten seconds of my life. As the doors open I saw him. Matthew Holt was standing eight yards away. "Matt!" I screamed. His head turned slowly and as soon as he saw my his jaw dropped. I ran towards him with tears running down my cheeks.

I jumped into a hug, and I cried into his shoulder as he slowly wrapped his arms around my armored body. "(Y/N)... I thought you..."

"I didn't die. Not a chance." I whispered. He pulled back and looked at my face, practically beaming. I laughed loudly and jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I thought you died! You jerk!"

I pressed my lips to his and heard several 'ohs'. I rolled my eyes as Matt kissed back. We pulled away and he smiled sheepishly. "See you're still as jubilant as ever."

"I don't use big words you nerd!" I joked as he rolled his eyes. I tugged at the end of his now long hair. "I like it."

He grinned and I heard Pidge clear her throat. We both turned to her, her arms were crossed, and I moved away from him. We both held our hands behind our backs and pursed our lips. "What was that!?" She yelled excitedly.

"W-Well we were on the Kerberos mission together and..." I started and looked at Matt for some back up.

"And we got captured, as you know, but the last time I saw, (Y/N) was when she threw herself in front of Shiro, even after he injured me." My cheeks flushed as Pidge turned to me with wide eyes.


"Yeah. I knew Matt wasn't making it home any time soon, and I had to make sure someone you knew was going to make it back to you in one piece. My plan kind of failed." I eyes Shiro's arm and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm still grateful."

"Wait... did anything happen to you?" Matt asked, suddenly pulled me towards him. I tried to hide myself from him, glad I was wearing my armor.

"No! I'm fine." I mumbled. Everyone stayed silent and Pidge sighed.

"Matt, let me show you around!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the castle. Shiro looked over at me and I tried to hide the crimson.


"Are you going to tell him?" Allura asked. I turned to see everyone looking at me sadly. I sighed shakily.

"Only if I have to."

~Two Hour Later~

There was a knock on my door and Matt walked in. "Hey." He sat down next to me on my bed. I nodded in response, and kept my eyes locked on the floor. I had changed out of my armor a while ago, and regretted it.

"Hi." My voice came out quieter than I'd wished.

"What's wrong. It's like you've been avoiding me." His voice showed portrayal of hurt and I winced.


"What happened after I left?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye.


"Lie." I sighed and looked over at him, and frowned. I clenched my jaw and clasped the hem of my shirt, not wanting to move. "(Y/N)?"

"Matt, I don't think I can hide it from you." I lifted my shirt up to show my skin, a deep purple with lighter scar accents. The purple stopped at my shoulders and knees, but it was growing. "I'm part Galra."

He stood up and a hand went to his hair. "Oh God."

"I know. I'm sorry, I found out only three month ago, I would have told you sooner, but you were so happy with your sister. I didn't want to take that away from you-"

His hand raked to his hair as his eyes widened and he pulled down on his face, pondering what to say. He shook his head and faced the wall. I stood up slowly.

"Everyone else has excepted me, even your sister. I just want you to know what're you say will make or break how I feel about you. How the team feels about you, because not all Galra are bad." He laughed and turned to face me with a sad look.

"What am I supposed to say? You're Galra. The race that kidnapped my dad and Shiro, forced us to fight in arenas to the death, forced me to become... this." He gestured to himself and I huffed.

"You're forgetting that I was on that mission too. I helped Shiro escape, and I tried to save your dad. I was the one who sacrificed myself to keep you alive. Shiro may have cut your leg but I'm the one who made the real sacrifice!" Matt shook his head.

"How can I trust you-"

"I just gave you plenty of reason. Now the only thing left is your answer. Do you accept me for who I am, and what I'm becoming?" He stayed quiet, but slowly shook his head, 'no'. I sighed as sat back down. "Leave."

"Look I can learn-"

"Matt! Leave!" I yelled. I heard the door open and close and when I looked up he was gone. Come back...

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